Mix of the (Valentine’s) day: FOTD, present, Poli …Miks (Valentinovega) dneva: FOTD, darilo, Poli …

It all started with a very nice cup of coffee …

Valentine's coffee
Valentine's coffee

I had the urge to do a special Valentine’s make-up. I think I’m slowly getting back and am again enjoying make-up and stuff … :happy: I didn’t think long what make up to do on Valentine’s day. I just immediately knew I wanted to try the Illamasqua Sophie-I technique. I’m not sure what’s so different on this technique that it deserves a special name, but it’s still a nice and quite easy to do. And what is the nicest thing about this thechnique (if you ask me) … you don’t need a lot of products to create the look. I pretty much followed the tutorial below …

… and that’s what my Valentine’s make up looked like. Very nice, dramatic, but wearable look. A different take on the classical smokey eyes.

FOTD: Illamasqua Sophie-I technique make-up by Maestra
FOTD: Illamasqua Sophie-I technique
FOTD: Illamasqua Sophie-I technique make-up by Maestra
FOTD: Illamasqua Sophie-I technique

And since I was wearing quite a lot of make up and the make up look made me feel strong and confident, I wanted a scent that would compliment the look. A scent that would make me special and even more confident. A special and different scent … And one of the most different (the other being Thierry Mugler – Alien) scent in my collection of perfumes is definitely Illamasqua’s Freak.

Illamasqua - Freak
Illamasqua - Freak
Illamasqua - Freak
Illamasqua - Freak

The bottle you see in the photo above is a sample bottle I got for review some time ago. At first I had mixed feelings about the scent. It’s definitely unisex scent. The opening is masculine, but then it becomes more floral and more feminine. Definitely a special scent I’ve never smelled before. And the scent stays on me for hours. It’s not a scent I would wear on an everyday basis, but from time to time I just have the urge to wear it. It’s quite funny, because I thought I am not going to like it, but it started to grow on me and now … I’m very happy to have it and I think I would buy it myself (especially if it would be available in a smaller bottle and hence it would be cheaper).

So the scent of the Valentine’s day was Illamasqua – Freak, but the present of the day was Bvlgari – Omnia Amethyste. Omnia Amethyste is a perfume I’ve had on my WL for months now. The opening of this perfume is unpleasant (to me), but it fast develops this nice, warm and floral scent that I love. The scent stays on me for hours and I just love it. The most important and exciting part of it is, that my boyfriend loves the scent as well.

Bvlgari - Omnia Amethyste
Bvlgari - Omnia Amethyste

We are almost done … I have a bonus photo for you. It’s a photo of Poli. Doesn’t he have the cutest eyes ever?!

Poli ...
Poli ...

And what was your mix of the Valentine’s day?

* I got Illamasqua – Freak perfume for review purposes.

Dan se je začel s to krasno skodelico kave …

Valentine's coffee
Valentine's coffee

Za Valentinovo se me je po nekem čudežu lotila želja po posebnem Valentinovem make-upu. (Mislim, da se počasi vračam in začenjam ponovno uživati v make-upu in vseh teh rečeh … :happy: ) Iz nekega čudnega razloga sploh nisem dolgo razmišljala, kaj bi poskusila za Valentinovo. Enostavno sem vedela, da bi preizkusila Illamasqua Sophie-I tehniko. Nisem prepričana, kaj je na tej tehniki tako posebnega, da si zasluži posebno ime, a je kljub temu super zadevica in dokaj enostavna. Kar pa je pri tej tehniki še najboljše (vsaj če vprašate mene) … za ustvarjanje tega look-a ne potrebujete veliko izdelkov. Pri ustvarjanju sem sledila spodnjemu vodiču …

… nastalo pa je naslednje. Lušten, dramatičen, a vseeno nosljiv make up. Malo drugačen pristop h klasičnim zadimljenim očem.

FOTD: Illamasqua Sophie-I technique make-up by Maestra
FOTD: Illamasqua Sophie-I technique
FOTD: Illamasqua Sophie-I technique make-up by Maestra
FOTD: Illamasqua Sophie-I technique

In ker sem imela na sebi precej make-upa in tudi samo look je bil precej močan, poleg tega mi je dajal občutek samozavestne in močne ženske, sem želela vonj, ki bo kos look-u. Vonj, ki mi bo dal občutek, da sem nekaj posebnega. Poseben in drugačen vonj … Eden takšnih v moji zbirki je zagotovo Illamasqua – Freak.

Illamasqua - Freak
Illamasqua - Freak
Illamasqua - Freak
Illamasqua - Freak

Steklenička, ki jo vidite na fotografiji zgoraj, mi je bila poslana za review. Original steklenička je večja in seveda bolj privlačna. Sprva sem o samem vonju imela mešane občutke. Definitivno gre za “unisex” vonj. Vse se začne z možatim vonjem, ki pa se počasi prelevi v bolj ženstven cvetlični vonj. Zagotovo gre za poseben vonj. Česa podobnega še nisem vonjala. Vonj ostane na meni zelo dolgo. Na oblačilih se ga vonja še dneve. Freak ni vonj, ki bi ga nosila vsak dan. Od časa do časa pa se mi ga prav zahoče. Zelo hecno … ker sem sprva mislila, da ga sploh ne bom marala, a se mi je s časom zelo priljubil in prav vesela sem, da ga sedaj imam. Zelo verjetno bi ga tudi sama zase kupila (še posebej, če bi ga ponujali v manjših stekleničkah in s tem tudi po nižji ceni).

Tako … dišava Valentinovega dneva je torej bila Illamasqua – Freak, darilo dneva pa je bilo Bvlgari – Omnia Amethyste. Parfum Omnia Amethyste sem imela na svoji WL že nekaj mesecev. Gre za izrazito večplasten parfum, ki se začne z meni neprijetnim vonjem, ki pa k sreči zelo hitro preide v izredno prijeten, topel vonj, ki ga obožujem. Vonj se na meni obdrži dolgo. Najboljši in najbolj razburljiv del vonja pa je, da ga obožuje tudi moj dragi.

Bvlgari - Omnia Amethyste
Bvlgari - Omnia Amethyste

Skoraj smo pri koncu … Za konec imam za vas še bonus fotografijo Polija. A nima najbolj luštkanih oči na svetu?!

Poli ...
Poli ...

Kaj pa je bil vaš miks Valentinovega dneva?

* Illamasqua – Freak sem dobila za review.

17 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Mix of the (Valentine’s) day: FOTD, present, Poli …<!--:--><!--:sl-->Miks (Valentinovega) dneva: FOTD, darilo, Poli …<!--:-->”

  1. Make up je čudovit, izredno ti pristaja. Jaz sem zadnje čase tako mahnjena na barve, da bi veko gotovo pobarvala še s kakšno barvo. :yes: In zelo me veseli, da dobivaš nazaj veselje do make upa. :party: Pogrešam tvoje prispevke. Oooo, tale Bvlgari mi je bil pa vedno obupen, ko sem ga na prvi ‘nos’ povohala. Zdaj me pa firbca, kakšni so kasnejše note. :perfume:
    Marička, mucek je pa perfekten. :love: :akitty: Kakšen srček! Okice so superkjut. :)

    Moj valentinov dan je bil delaven in čisto običajen. Ne praznujeva valenitnovega in, če ti po pravici povem, komaj čakam, da se umaknejo z blogsfere vse valentinove srčkaste manikure. :blush: :bljak:

    • Tale make-up je čudovit. Hvala za idejo, sem jo že uporabila!
      Se mi zdi da je za nas, ki imamo veke malo manj odprte in precej izrazito gubo na sredini tale verzija veliko bolj primerna kot klasičen zadimljen look. Oči lepo odpre, namesto pomanjša. Z barvami pa lahko narediš od dramatičnega do takega zelo naravnega- super za petkove večere zunaj. =)


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