Alessandro Adore Me (preview)Alessandro Adore Me (predogled)

Another brand that is lately coming up with cute limited editions is Alessandro. I love Adore Me LE they’re bringing soon AND Freaky Neon LE looks promising. :thumb:

The eccentric look reflects itself in an elegant and romantic, but accentuating world of colours, which appears to be as explosive as it is dynamic. Colours such as shimmering green or glimmering ochre improve the look of the nails just as much as the refined berry shades and are right on top of the hot list of trend experts, style bloggers and fashion victims!

On top of the list for this beauty blogger is Luscious Brocade. :biggrin: Not that Midnight Rebel and Baroque Underground are to be discounted but boy does Luscious Brocade speak to my nail polish obsessed soul. :silly:

Alessandro Adore Me: Luscious Brocade, Midnight Rebel, Baroque Underground
Alessandro Adore Me: Luscious Brocade, Midnight Rebel, Baroque Underground

There are 4 more conventional shades …

Alessandro Adore Me: Purple Haze, Mystic Velvet, Sophisticated Mauve, Shadow Street
Alessandro Adore Me: Purple Haze, Mystic Velvet, Sophisticated Mauve, Shadow Street

… and 3 little bit more livelier ones … especially green one rocks. :thumb:

Alessandro Adore Me: Voyeuristic Green, Wicked Ginger, Dramatic Blossom
Alessandro Adore Me: Voyeuristic Green, Wicked Ginger, Dramatic Blossom

Who else is in love with Luscious Brocade? :biggrin:

*photos for collages courtesy of Alessandro SlovenijaŠe ena znamka, ki mi zadnje čase dela samo lušte. :silly: Alessandro nam pripravlja krasno jesensko omejeno izdajo imenovano Adore Me LE, na njihovi Facebook strani pa sem že občudovala tudi Freaky Neon LE kolekcijo neončkov. :thumb:

Čudoviti look ADORE ME odseva hiter tempo življenja. Temen in eksploziven ter eleganten svet barv. Kompozicija zgodovinskih obdobij od baroka pa do urbane “underground” scene z ekstremnimi barvami od svetlikajoče zelene, bleščeče oker in vse do dragocenih vijoličnih odtenkov, ki dominirajo
temu privlačnemu videzu.

Absolutni kralj moje WL je Luscious Brocade. Aaaahhhh – ta odtenek je pa kot narejen zame. Držite pesti, da bo tudi v resnici tako lep kot na promo materialu. :nervous: Saj ne, da Midnight Rebel in Baroque Underground nista lepa, ampak Luscious Brocade se mi je prav usedel v srce. :angel:

Alessandro Adore Me: Luscious Brocade, Midnight Rebel, Baroque Underground
Alessandro Adore Me: Luscious Brocade, Midnight Rebel, Baroque Underground

V kolekcije se nahajajo še štirje običajni …

Alessandro Adore Me: Purple Haze, Mystic Velvet, Sophisticated Mauve, Shadow Street
Alessandro Adore Me: Purple Haze, Mystic Velvet, Sophisticated Mauve, Shadow Street

… in trije bolj živahni odtenki … predvsem zelenko izgleda zanimivo. :thumb:

Alessandro Adore Me: Voyeuristic Green, Wicked Ginger, Dramatic Blossom
Alessandro Adore Me: Voyeuristic Green, Wicked Ginger, Dramatic Blossom

Roke gor vse, ki jim je srce zatrepetalo ob pogledu na Luscious Brocade. :wave: :biggrin:

*fotografije uporabljene v kolažih so last podjetja Alessandro

14 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Alessandro Adore Me (preview)<!--:--><!--:sl-->Alessandro Adore Me (predogled)<!--:-->”

  1. Baroque underground bo mojemu všeč, že vidim :haha: . Mogoče mu lahko namignem da imam kmalu rojstni dan?? :silly:

  2. Na prvi sliki vsi trije izpadejo fantastično, wow! Nekaj je na teh seksi barvah, ne morem se jih naveličat. Bom pa najprej preverila, če nimam doma že kakšnega zelo podobnega odtenka, nekaj časa sem tovrstne kar kopičila. Zelenko in oranžko sta tudi luškana, ampak ju bom verjetno preskočila, vsaj po promo fotkah vem da imam podobne že doma. Si jih pa z veseljem ogledam v štacuni, vse po vrsti. :yes:

  3. Saj je Luscious Brocade na prvi slikici čisto zgoraj, ne? Če je to tale, je res čudovit in bi se ga splačalo pogledat v trgovino ko pride na police

  4. So glad i will be able to grab these, since they’re sold also in Switzerland. All of the Adore me LE look so pretty, totally my style!


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