Creative Nail Design – Blue Blood

This shade was on my wish list for quite some time now. Finally I bought it and I am really glad I did. It is such a great blue shade with blue, silver and green medium-sized shimmer. Shimmer is not rough and it does not pose any problems when removing the polish. It is really such a beautiful dark blue colour and in the right lighting it even shows some green tint to it. The green is more visible in one coat, but its is with no doubt dark blue. Currently, this is my favourite blue shade.

Creative Nail Design - Blue Blood
Creative Nail Design – Blue Blood

Creative Nail Design or shorter CND has a lot of wonderful shades. My only problem with this brand is the drying time of the nail polish. At the beginning, when I haven’t used their basecoat Stickey and fast drying topcoat Air Dry, I had even bigger issues with their polishes. I had a feeling that they never dry completely. Now in combination with Stickey and Air Dry I don’t have any problems as they dry fast enough. However, I would recommend that you apply these polishes in thin coats and wait a little between the coats.Kar nekaj časa sem imela na svoji listi želja tale odtenek. Presrečna sem, da sem ga le kupila. Gre za odtenek s temno modro osnovo in modrim, srebrnim ter zelenim srednje velikim šimrom. Šimer ni grob in ne predstavlja nobenih težav pri odstranjevanju. Barva je lepa temno modra in na trenutke potegne celo na zeleno-modro. Sploh pri prvem nanosu je zelena bolj opazna. Sicer je lak brez dvomov temno moder. Trenutno je tole moj najljubši moder odtenek.

Creative Nail Design - Blue Blood
Creative Nail Design - Blue Blood


Creative Nail Design ali krajše CND ima še veliko čudovitih odtenkov. Moj edini problem s tole znamko je, da se laki dalj časa sušijo. Na začetku, ko še nisem uporabljala njihovega podlaka Stickey in hitrosušečega nadlaka Air Dry, je bil sploh problem. Imela sem občutek, da se lak ni nikoli posušil. No, v kombinaciji s Stickey podlakom in Air Dry nadlakom, pa nimam težav in se laki zadovoljivo hitro posušijo. Vseeno pa priporočam, da se nanaša tanke plasti in da se med plastmi malo počaka.

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