Ciate Paint Pots – Silhouette + Essie MAY

I had very little time for this manicure – 10 minutes from base coat to top coat. I grabbed my first Ciate polish – Silhouette and applied 2 layers + top coat.

Ciate Paint Pots – Silhouette

That probably wasn’t the smartest move, since I did not get a handle of the brush right away, so the manicure was not neat as I wanted it to be. :blush:

Ciate Paint Pots – Silhouette

Color is very lovely although not very similar to the color as seen in the bottle. Depending from lighting you’ll see red, purple or brown color.

Ciate Paint Pots – Silhouette

In the sunshine – main color was dark red-purple. I missed more of the copperish shimmer to make this polish a must have shade.

After three day wear I addend a coat of the Essie Matte About You. I’m not really sure I like the effect, but I definitely love the fell of the polish – it’s like velvet.

Ciate Paint Pots – Silhouette + Essie Matte About You

This was the first time I used Essie MAY – this polish allows no mistakes while applying color polish. :blush:
As you can see, there is tiny white speck on pinky finger that just would not come off.

If you compare first and last photo – you can see that Ciate polishes work for me. Tip wear was minimal after the three day wear.

V nedeljo sem imela manj kot 10 minut časa za hitro manikuro. Pograbila sem mojega prvega Ciatka – Slihouette, ter hitro nanesla dva sloja + nadlak.

Ciate Paint Pots - Silhouette

Verjetno to ni bila ravno najbolj pametna poteza, ker nisem takoj “pogruntala” čopiča, tako da je nanos dokaj površen. :blush:

Ciate Paint Pots - Silhouette
v senci

Sama barva je zelo zanimiva – nič kaj preveč podobna tisti v flaški – a še vedno zelo lepa. Izmenjujejo se temo rdeča, vijolična ter rjava. Odvisno od tipa osvetlitve.

Ciate Paint Pots - Silhouette
na soncu

Na sončku je najbolj prevladovala globoka vijola-rdeča barva. Škoda, da se bakreni šimer kar porazgubi na nohtu. Občutek imam, da bi bil odtenek čarobno lep, če bi le dodali več šimra.

Danes sem dodala čez manikuro še Essie Matte About You. Nisem prepričana, da mi je končni učinek všeč, so mi pa zato toliko bolj všeč na otip žametni nohti. :silly:

Ciate Paint Pots - Silhouette + Essie Matte About You
na soncu

Tokrat sem prvič uporabila Essie MAY in ugotovila, da ne odpušča napak pri nanosu barvnega laka. :blush: Na mezincu se je naredila drobna bela pikica, ki ni in ni hotela dol. :ermm:

Obstojnost Ciatkov je pri meni dobra. Če odštejem minimalen tip wear, je manikura enaka kot prvi dan.

9 thoughts on “Ciate Paint Pots – Silhouette + Essie MAY”

  1. Na soncu je rdeč, v umetni svetlobi se pa rdeče skoraj da ne vidi. Je bolj vijola-rjave barve.

    Bom videla, če se mi bo mat trend priljubil. :silly:

  2. Sicer ne maram šimrastih lakov, ampak tam mi je lepši v glossy verziji. No, vsaj po fotkah sodeč, bi ga morala v matirani verziji videti v živo, da bi se zares lahko odločila.


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