p2 Electric

p2 Electric is one the most interesting p2 polishes in my collection.

Electric is pinkish-violet polish with slightly green (and peachy?) duochrome effect. You can hardly ever see green but it’s still there when the lighting is low. That is the main reason I wasn’t able to capture it on photo.

I used 3 coats + top coat:

Photos really failed to capture the essence of this shade. What is missing on them is the spark of life you can’t miss in real life. You can’t see metallic violet look of the polish, or its duochrome effect. :ermm:


  • polish is watery – I used 3 coats, but 4th wouldn’t be amiss;
  • has frost finish;
  • poor lasting power – tip damage was visible the same day. I’ll try with different top coat next time.

And even-thou there are a lot minuses for this polish, I still love it and I’m not sorry it ended up in my hands. :nails:Eden najbolj zanimivih p2 lakov v moji zbirki je prav gotovo odtenek Electric.

p2 Electric

Prekrasen roza-vijola odtenek, ki se rahlo preseva v zeleno in nek nedoločljiv vmesni odtenek. Zelen odsev se vidi res zelo redko, pa še to le pri slabši osvetlitvi, tako da ga nisem uspela ovekovečiti. :angry:

Lak je bolj kot ne voden, tako da sem potrebovala tri plasti za skoraj popolno prekrivanje. Četrta plast v bistvu sploh ne bi bila odveč. Na fotografijah je dodan tudi nadlak.

p2 Electric

p2 Electric

p2 Electric

Fotografije so ujele le delček lepote tega odtenka, v živo je še veliko veliko lepši. Preseva se od skoraj metalik vijola finisha, pa vse do umazano roza barve z vijola pridihom. Na žalost je odtenek rahlo fosti.

Slaba stran tega odtenka je poleg slabe prekrivnosti tudi katastrofalna neobstojnost. Že prvi dan sem imela bele konice. Ampak takemu lepotcu to oprostim. :silly: Bom drugič probala uporabiti INM nadlak – mogoče bo pa obstojnost boljša.

16 thoughts on “p2 Electric”

  1. love this shade on your nails- maybe it gets a bit more opaque when you leave the bottle open over night (at a save place where you don’t accidently spill the bottle)
    you don’t need to worry about the brush. just make sure you’ll get as many acess out of it and it will be stiff in the morning but putting it back into the bottle and waiting for a couple of hours will solve the stiffness
    I did that with a couple of my polishes and it worked great on some shades :)

  2. na slikcah res ni ne vem kaj :ermm:…samo glede na to, da se večina p2 lakov ne da lepo poslikat, verjamem, da je v resnici lepotec :wub:

    • Sem opazila, da so tile p2 lakci nekam težki za ujeti v objektiv. Dva čakata pofotkana ampak ne vem, če ju ne bi probala še 1x fotografirati. Mogoče bomo pa v kratkem dobili pošiljko sončnega vremena. :biggrin:

  3. Uh, meni pa sploh ni bil všeč, če je to tisti, ki ga je imela Gejba gor zadnjič, ko smo se srečale … Ne vem, nekaj mi na njem ni potegnilo. Po eni strani je bil ful živ, po drugi pa povsem “bled”. Ne znam povedati   :blush:

  4. V živo je res velikoooo lepši, ker se res prav electric blešči in spreminja barve. Zelo eye-cathcing – v živo. Na fotkah je pa res en bolj bogec. :unsure:


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