A little something about MaestraNekaj malega o Maestri

Today I thought, I’d share a little something about myself with you, my dear readers.

A while ago I already shared some random facts about myself and today I wanted to tell you a little more. You probably wouldn’t have guessed, but I used to be a cheerleader in high school. Mmm… I have only great memories of those days. It was so much fun! I love to dance and everything, but it’s been ages since I really danced. And to be honest, I wasn’t even really good. *pssst, don’t tell anybody* OK, time has passed, but I can still remember like it was yesterday and I still go to Cheerleading championships etc. Just to watch and enjoy … OK, not just to watch, but that’s another story …

Here is a video of a dance team I’m especially proud of. It’s Tiger Cats (Tigrice in Slovene language) whose choreographer and trainer is a dear friend of mine. I love this choreography and the music, but unfortunately the camera wasn’t positioned on the best spot and that’s why the video isn’t as good as it could be …

Man, I must have watched this video at least 15 times today … I think that’s enough for today.  :think:

Yes, I’m feeling down these days and this video really cheered me up today. So, thank you for that Tiger Cats.  :rose:Pred časom sem že napisala nekaj naključnih dejstev o sebi, danes pa sem ob gledanju spodnjega posnetka, dobila navdih, idejo ali željo (kakorkoli želite), da delim z vami še kakšno malenkost več o sebi. Verjetno si ne bi mislili, da sem bila v srednji šoli Cheerleader-ka. Mmm… krasne spomine imam na tiste čase! Resnično smo se imeli super! Vsi treningi, potovanje ipd. Nepozabno! Tega je res že davno, ampak še vedno nisem izgubila stika z ljudmi in s samim Cheerleading-om. Še zmeraj hodim na tekmovanja, še zmeraj se družim z ljudmi, ki trenirajo, so trenerji ali koreografi … To je enostavno del mene, saj me ogromno reči veže na tiste dni …

Rada bi vam predstavila plesno skupino, na katero sem izredno ponosna. Gre za skupino Tigrice (ali Tiger Cats), katere trenerka in koreografinja je izredno nadarjena punca in moja draga prijateljica. Koreografijo in glasbo na posnetku obožujem. Žal pa kamera ob snemanju ni bila ravno najbolje pozicionirana, zato tudi posnetek ni najboljši … Jih je pa bilo pravi užitek gledati v živo. Komaj sem zadrževala solze, ko sem jih gledala … :wub:

Đizs, ta posnetek sem danes gledala že najmanj 15-krat. Po moje bo počasi dovolj … za danes … :think:

Jah, zadnje dni nisem čisto pri sebi. Ne počutim se dobro. Nekaj me daje. Popolnoma neproduktivno in nekreativno se počutim. Bljak … Ta video me je danes spravil v vsaj malo boljšo voljo. Hvala, Tigrice! :rose:

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