Package from LynnPaket od Lynn

Couple of days ago I received my swap package from USA. :woot: It was send to me by kind and funny Lynn. :rose:

Look at the beauties that joined my collection. :wub:

Attitude Peacock Feather, Jessica Trafalgar Teal
BYS Blue Buzz, Zoya Laney
Ciate Shaken Not Stirred, Icing Cash Only

Some of the Parokeets suggested very striking combination – Ciate Shaken Not Stirred and Icing Cash Only. :silly:

I immediately fell in love with Attitude Peacock Feather – my current NOTD. :nails: I’ll write post about it as soon as I manage to tame this unphotogenic teal shade.. :silly:

Which of the shades is your favorite?Pred nekaj dnevi me je razveselil paket, ki je prišel iz ZDA. S prijazno in zabavno Lynn sva namreč naredili čezoceansko izmenjavo lakov. :w00t:

Poglejte kakšni lepotci so se pridružili moji zbirki. :wub:

Attitude Peacock Feather, Jessica Trafalgar Teal
BYS Blue Buzz, Zoya Laney
Ciate Shaken Not Stirred, Icing Cash Only

Parokeetke so predlagale kombinacijo Ciate Shaken Not Stirred in Icing Cash Only za zelo udarno manikuro. :silly:

Attitude Peacock Feather me je čisto očaral in je trenutno moj NOTD. :nails: Takoj, ko uspem ujeti v foto objektiv ta nefotogenični odtenek, dobi svoj post. :wub:

Kateri odtenek je vam najbolj všeč?

10 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Package from Lynn<!--:--><!--:sl-->Paket od Lynn<!--:-->”

  1. Krasen swap in super izbor od Lynn! Čisto vsi so mi všeč!

    Ampak sigurno nisem bila med tistimi Parokeetkami, ki so predlagale zelo udarno manikuro. :unsure: Kaj pa vem? Morda bi pa vseeno šlo. :unsure: :silly:


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