Swatch and review: Deborah Sense Tech 100% Mat collectionOpis in ocena: Deborah Sense Tech 100% Mat kolekcija

I was very surprised to see a stand full of matte polishes from Deborah at a local store. The surprise was twofold. First to see a matte collection at a local store. No way. And second, Deborah joined the matte club?!? A little late but I’m pleasantly surprised anyway. There are six different shades in the collection but I grabbed only the three that appealed to me most.

Bottles: Deborah - Sense Tech 100% Mat

That’s what the company has to say about their matte collection:

Silica-based nail enamel with a trend setting 100% satin-matt finish. Velvety, sophisticated, glamorous. Advanced technology that stirs the senses. An eye-catchingly distinctive fashion statement. Use without base coat, top coat or quick dryer.

I totally agree with the statement that the finish is satin-matte. I think it looks kinda cool. All of the shades I got are cremes. Normally I don’t like creme mattes but these are OK, because they are satin looking. The colors are nice and trendy with perfect application. I’ve never applied a matte shade so easily. I mean, these are very pigmented and they do dry quickly but not too quick, so you can make little mistakes and you still have time to correct them. I was really impressed! I didn’t follow the instructions and applied all of them over a base coat and that didn’t cause any problems.

Before we move on to the swatches I have to say that I love the bottles. I love square bottles and these are matte square bottles. Love love love!

Bottles: Deborah - Sense Tech 100% Mat

Another great attribute are the shade names/numbers on the cap. That way you can easily find the desired shade in the crowd of hundred, thousand, two thousand etc. bottles of nail polishes. And the best thing about the stickers on the cap is that they are in the color of the polish. How cool is that?

Bottles: Deborah - Sense Tech 100% MatOf course the colors on the cap aren’t totally accurate but they aren’t that bad either. Here’s an example …

Swatch: Deborah - Sense Tech 100% Mat - 04

Finally we got to the swatches …

02 is the pink-peach shade. I think it’s lovely and surprisingly it suits me well. Two coats. This one was a bit streaky but not as much as I feared it would be.

Swatch: Deborah - Sense Tech 100% Mat - 0203 is dark blue shade. I love it! It’s so cool. It looks almost like I have plastic nails. :silly: This one is a dream to apply and this is only ONE COAT!

Swatch: Deborah - Sense Tech 100% Mat - 03

04 is dirty mint green shade. There is only one coat in the picture, but it would look better with two. Unfortunately I didn’t have the time to do a second coat. :blush:

Swatch: Deborah - Sense Tech 100% Mat - 04

Because the dark blue one was so pigmented, I tried to Konad with it and it did well. Here’s the polka dot konadicure I did with Konad IP m79, which I got from the lovely Thriszha.

Swatch: Deborah - Sense Tech 100% Mat - 02 + Konad m79 with 03

The only thing I don’t like about these babies is the names. Of course the names … Numbers … Why??? Everything else … I love!

The bottles are 8,5ml. Actually, these could be bigger. The price: 6,21€. OK, the price could be also lower, but what can I say … take it or leave it. :biggrin:

What do you think about the collection, about the satin finish, about the colors …?Ne morete si misliti, kako presenečeno sem pogledala, ko sem pri blagajni v Nami zagledala skoraj polno stojalo mat lakov znamke Deborah. Presenečenje je bilo dvojno. Mat laki v lokalni trgovini? Ni variante! In znamka Deborah je izdala kolekcijo mat lakov? Kdaj? Kako je to mogoče? Sicer so se mat klubu pridružili nekoliko pozno, a vseeno sem pozitivno presenečena, da so se sploh. V kolekciji je šest odtenkov. Kupila sem tri, ki so mi padli najbolj v oči.

Bottles: Deborah - Sense Tech 100% Mat

Na spletni strani znamke Deborah je naslednji odstavek namenjen omenjeni kolekciji:

Silica-based nail enamel with a trend setting 100% satin-matt finish. Velvety, sophisticated, glamorous. Advanced technology that stirs the senses. An eye-catchingly distinctive fashion statement. Use without base coat, top coat or quick dryer.

Popolnoma se strinjam z opisom finiša, saj gre dejansko za satenast finiš in ne pravi mat finiš. Če se ne motim, so vsi odtenki iz kolekcije krem in zaradi tega se mi zdi satenast finiš dobra izbira. Sama namreč pri krem “mat” odtenkih preferiram satenast finiš, pravi mat finiš pa mi je všeč pri odtenkih s šimrom. Največje pohvale pa si Deborah vsekakor zasluži zaradi perfektnega nanosa mat lakov. Ne vem, če sem že kdaj nanašala mat lak s takšno lahkoto, kot sem nanašala te lake. Zelo dobro so pigmentirani in pri nekaterih je dovolj že samo en nanos. Sušijo se hitro, vendar ne prehitro, tako imamo čas, da napake, ki jih naredimo med nanosom, tudi popravimo. Kdor je že kdaj nanašal kakšen hitro sušeč (krem) mat lak, bo vedel o čem pišem. :wink: Napisati moram, da nisem upoštevala navodil in sem kljub navodilom uporabila podlak. Kljub podlaku nisem imela nobenih težav pri nanašanju.

Preden vam pokažem fotografije odtenkov, bi rada napisala še, da obožujem stekleničke. Tako ali tako sem pristašica oglatih stekleničk, te pa so po vrhu še matirane. Čudovito!

Bottles: Deborah - Sense Tech 100% Mat

Naslednja stvar, ki mi je pri Deborah lakih izredno všeč, so imena odtenkov na vrhu pokrovčkov. Tako lahko izredno hitro najdete željen odtenek v zbirki stotih ali tisočih lakov. In to še ni vse. Nalepke z imenom so namreč obarvane v barvo odtenka. A ni to super?

Bottles: Deborah - Sense Tech 100% Mat

Je že res, da barve na nalepki niso popolnoma natančne, ampak niso zelo slabe. Primer …

Swatch: Deborah - Sense Tech 100% Mat - 04

In še fotografije odtenkov …

02 je roza odtenek z mareličnim pridihom. Lušten odtenek, ki se celo poda k moji polti. Na fotografiji sta dve plasti. Tale je bil malenkost progast za nanašanje, vendar spet ne preveč. Mislila sem si, da bo veliko težavnejši.

Swatch: Deborah - Sense Tech 100% Mat - 02

03 je temno moder odtenek. Tale mi je izredno všeč! Izgleda skoraj kot bi imela plastične nohte. :silly: Tega je bila prava poezija nanašati. Na fotografiji je samo ENA PLAST!

Swatch: Deborah - Sense Tech 100% Mat - 03

04 je umazano mint zelen odtenek. Na fotografiji je le ena plast, ampak ta bi izgledal lepše še z drugo plastjo. Žal pa za drugo plast nisem imela časa. :blush:

Swatch: Deborah - Sense Tech 100% Mat - 04

Temno moder je res super pigmentiran, zato sem ga preizkusila s Konadom in dobro se je obnesel. Ustvarila sem konadikuro s “polka dot” vzorcem iz Konad IP m79, ki sem jo dobila od Thriszhe.

Swatch: Deborah - Sense Tech 100% Mat - 02 + Konad m79 with 03

Edina reč, ki je resnično ne maram pri vseh Deborah lakih, so imena. Seveda, imena … Številke … Zakaj??? Vse ostale v tej kolekciji mi je všeč!

Steklenička vsebuje 8,5ml. No, steklenička bi lahko držala malo več vsebine. Cena: 6,21€. OK, tudi cena ni med najnižjimi, ampak … vzami ali pusti. :biggrin:

Kaj menite o kolekciji, o satenstem finišu, o barva …?

22 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Swatch and review: Deborah Sense Tech 100% Mat collection<!--:--><!--:sl-->Opis in ocena: Deborah Sense Tech 100% Mat kolekcija<!--:-->”

  1. Sem tole kolekcijo na njihovi strani že enkrat opazovala, nisem vedela, da se tudi pri nas dobi. Mogoče pa kakšnega vzamem :yes: (zraven še enga, ki ga imam že od prej nagledanega :whistle: ).

    • Čisto možno, da sploh ne gre za novo kolekcijo. Jaz sem jo prvič videla in zame je nova. :biggrin: Mislim, da ne boš razočarana, če se za kakšnega odločiš. ;)


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