When wish list comes trueKo lista želja postane resničnost

I’m probably not the only one that keeps her cosmetics WL by the computer.  :scared:

So when somebody close to you goes on business trip, you have to make your dreams come true. Right? :haha:

Thank you Bauma fair in Munich  :ccc: you’re responsible I got a lot of  H&M and P2 polishes. :nails:

H&M, P2, Esprit, nail polish
H&M, P2 and Esprit

Making a WL was huge project not to mention finding stores that sell the items on it. Other Parokeets were very amused by the mile long list I made. :haha:

I could hardly wait for them to depart :fju: And off they went. I was very impatient and kept checking my mobile phone for new messages. :fju:

Finally! I got SMS that raid: “We got 11 H&M polishes, they didn’t have all of them.” … next evening there was MMS with accompanying text: “We got p2 polishes and one Esprite …” :drop:

I dreamt about polishes, arranged them in my drams. That was something huge for polish-holic. :w00t:

Today’s post is little bit confusing since I had no idea how to show you all of the polishes. Well – it’s reflection of my enthusiasm. :blush:

Here are photos of pastel/cool/warm/blue/brands etc. combos.

H&M nail polishes
H&M polishes
P2 nail polishes
P2 Color Victim
P2, H&M
P2 and H&M
P2, cold
P2, cool tones
P2 and H&M
P2, H&M, blue
P2 and H&M, blue
P2 and Esprit
P2 french, Esprit Metallic Blue

Which one should I try out first? That was really tough decision. :nervous:

The winner was p2 Flamboyant. Lively summer color – more coral than orange. I used two coats, but third wouldn’t be amiss. I didn’t use top coat, and had no problems with application.

P2 Flamboyant
P2: Flamboyant

Thank you dear readers, for allowing me to share my joy with all of you. :angel:

I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. Interesting things are in store for our readers in the near future …   :zip:   :wave:Najbrž nisem edina, ki ima poleg računalnika listke z željenimi laki, šminkami, glosi, linerji in vsem, kar je še lepega, svetlečega, dišečega…  :scared:

In ko se zgodi, da mora nekdo na službeno pot, je treba sanje uresničiti. Logično, kajne. :haha:

Hvala za sejem  Bauma v Munchnu,   :ccc:    zaradi katerega sem končno prišla do množice lakov H&M in P2. :nails:

H&M, P2, Esprit, nail polish
H&M, P2 and Esprit

Sestavljanje WL je bil cel projekt, prav tako iskanje trgovin, kjer jih sploh prodajajo. Parokeetke sem nasmejala s svojim kilometrskim seznamom, ki mu ni bilo videti konca. :haha:

Komaj sem čakala, da gresta.   :fju:   In sta šla. Bila sem nestrpna in drugi dan sem že dvomila, da je moj mobitel še vklopljen v Mobitel omrežje. :fju:

Končno! Dobila sem SMS z vsebino: “Dobila sva 11 H&M lakov, vseh ni bilo.”  … drug večer je prispel MMS s spremnim besedilom: “Imava tudi P2 lake in enega Esprit….” :drop:

Še sanjala sem o njih… jih v mislih zlagala in prelagala. To je bilo res nekaj za “lak odvisnico”.  :w00t:

Bila sem v dilemi, kako naj jih predstavim. Zato je današnji prispevek bolj neurejen in zmeden. Pravzaprav je odraz mojega vzhičenega stanja. :blush:

Poglejte si nekaj nizov, sestavljank in kombinacij;  hladih in toplih tonov, pastelnih in modrih odtenkov…

H&M nail polishes
H&M laki
P2 nail polishes
P2 Color Victim
P2, H&M
P2 in H&M
P2, cold
P2, hladni odtenki
P2 in H&M
P2, H&M, blue
P2 in H&M, blue
P2 and Esprit
P2 french, Esprit Metallic Blue

Katerega izbrati za prvo manikuro, je bil velik izziv. :nervous:

Zmagal je P2 Flamboyant.  Živahna poletna barva, bolj koralna kot oranžna. Nanesla sem dva sloja, za popolno prekrivnost bi morala nanesti tri plasti. Brez nadlaka, z nanosom nisem imela težav.

P2 Flamboyant
P2: Flamboyant

Drage bralke, hvala, ker sem lahko svoje nepopisno veselje delila z vami. :angel:

Prišepnem vam na uho, da se bo v prihodnje pri nas dogajalo veliko zanimivega, spremljajte nas še naprej….  :zip:    :wave:

33 thoughts on “<!--:en-->When wish list comes true<!--:--><!--:sl-->Ko lista želja postane resničnost<!--:-->”

  1. Wow, what an amazing haul.  Hooray for wishlists and friends who travel!  I’m off to Germany in a couple of weeks, hoping to pick up lots of nice things, I’ll look out for P2 and fingers crossed for Catrice too


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