Barry M – Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold, Petrol Black, Chocolate, Red, Cherry Red and Bright IndigoOpis in ocena: Barry M – Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold, Petrol Black, Chocolate, Red, Cherry Red in Bright Indigo

Official description of Barry M’s Dazzle Dusts:

“A spectacular collection of breath taking loose, highly pearlised powder available in a profusion of colours to enhance your eyes, cheeks or lips.

Each little pot contains multiple facets of intensive reflective colour that glides on smoothly adding sparkle and sheen.

These luscious shades can be applied bright and bold or shimmering and subtle, with over 60 original colours to choose from everyone can find a favourite pot or two or three… ”

Today I’d like to show you six Dazzle Dusts by Barry M. While I was in England I bought three of them myself and three of them were given to me for review.

99 Bright Indigo is a matte shade of purple. I think it’s a bit too purple (IRL it’s a bit more purple than on some of the photos shown here) to be called a real indigo shade. It’s very pigmented.

Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Bright Indigo
Barry M – Dazzle Dust: Bright Indigo

84 Cherry Red is a shimmery red shade with pink undertones.

Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Cherry Red
Barry M – Dazzle Dust: Cherry Red

73 Red is a shimmery red with orange/gold undertones.

Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Red
Barry M – Dazzle Dust: Red

53 Chocolate is a very nice shimmery dark brown.

Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Chocolate
Barry M – Dazzle Dust: Chocolate

98 Petrol Black is an interesting shade. At first I thought it’s a regular black based shade with blue shimmer. Well, it is, but as you can see below it also has a bit of purple to it.

Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Petrol Black
Barry M – Dazzle Dust: Petrol Black
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Chocolate, Petrol Black, Aqua Gold
Barry M – Dazzle Dust: Chocolate, Petrol Black, Aqua Gold

92 Aqua Gold is a turquoise shade with gold shimmer. From the photos in this review you can see that sometimes it looks more green and sometimes more blue.

Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold
Barry M – Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold

Swatches …

Swatch: Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Bright Indigo, Cherry Red, Red, Chocolate, Petrol Black, Aqua Gold
Barry M – Dazzle Dust: Bright Indigo, Cherry Red, Red, Chocolate, Petrol Black, Aqua Gold (over a base)
Swatch: Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Bright Indigo, Cherry Red, Red
Barry M – Dazzle Dust: Bright Indigo, Cherry Red, Red (over a base)
Swatch: Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Chocolate, Petrol Black, Aqua Gold
Barry M – Dazzle Dust: Chocolate, Petrol Black, Aqua Gold (over a base)

Price in Slovenia: 6,55€.
Price in the UK: £4.59.

The Dazzle Dust loose powders come in glass containers with a dark cap. The containers remind me of the Gosh containers for effect powders. The Dazzle Dust loose powders are well pigmented and easy to use. I didn’t have any problems with the ones I have. I always apply loose powders over an eyeshadow base. That way they stay in place for hours. You can also use them on the cheeks and lips. Be creative with these babies. :wink:

As a bonus I have two make ups for you using mainly the Dazzle Dust loose powders shown above (and some eyeshadows from the Sleek i-Divine Acid and Bad Girl palettes).

Black-green-gold make up… Hightlighting is done with the lightest shades in the Sleek i-Divine Bad Girl palette. Do you see how green the Aqua Gold looks in the photos below?

Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold and Petrol Black make up by Maestra
Barry M – Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold and Petrol Black make up by Maestra
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold and Petrol Black make up by Maestra
Barry M – Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold and Petrol Black make up by Maestra
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold and Petrol Black make up by Maestra
Barry M – Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold and Petrol Black make up by Maestra

Colorful make up … The white, yellow and blue shade is from the Sleek i-Divine Acid palette.

Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Red, Cherry Red and Bright Indigo make up by Maestra
Barry M – Dazzle Dust: Red, Cherry Red and Bright Indigo make up by Maestra
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Red, Cherry Red and Bright Indigo make up by Maestra
Barry M – Dazzle Dust: Red, Cherry Red and Bright Indigo make up by Maestra

What do you think of Barry M Dazzle Dust loose powders? Have you already tried them? What are your favourite shades?

*Some products were sent to me for review.

Uradni opis Dazzle Dust senčil znamke Barry M:

“Spektakularna kolekcija pestrih in prekrivnih »Dazzle Dust« senčil za oči številnih barv. S čudovitim leskom in obstojnostjo boste lahko sedaj z »Dazzle Dust« senčili za oči sami ustvarili neštete odtenke, ki bodo poudarile vašo lepoto in karakter.

Ne pozabite pa, da je za celodnevno obstojnost najprej potrebno nanesti “Svetleče črtalo za ustnice in oči”, saj gre za senčila v prahu.”

Danes bi vam rada pokazala šest različnih odtenkov Dazzle Dust senčil v prahu znamke Barry M. Tri sem kupila, ko sem bila v Angliji, tri pa sem dobila v test.

99 Bright Indigo je vijolično mat senčilo. Menim, da je preveč vijolično (v živo je še malenkost bolj vijoličen kot na nekaterih fotografijah tukaj), da bi ga uvrstila med prave indigo odtenke. Pigmentacija je odlična.

Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Bright Indigo
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Bright Indigo

84 Cherry Red je šimrast rdeč odtenek z roza podtonom.

Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Cherry Red
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Cherry Red

73 Red je šimrast rdeč odtenek z oranžnim/zlatim podtonom.

Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Red
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Red

53 Chocolate je lušten šimrast temno rjav odtenek.

Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Chocolate
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Chocolate

98 Petrol Black je zelo zanimiv odtenek. Na prvi pogled se zdi, da gre za običajno senčilo s črno bazo in modrim šimrom (drobnimi bleščicami). To sicer drži, a pod določeno osvetlitvijo pokaže tudi svojo vijolično plat, kot boste videli na fotografijah spodaj.

Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Petrol Black
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Petrol Black
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Chocolate, Petrol Black, Aqua Gold
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Chocolate, Petrol Black, Aqua Gold

92 Aqua Gold je turkizen odtenek z zlatim šimrom. S pomočjo fotografij iz tega prispevka se lahko prepričate, da je občasno videti bolj moder občasno pa prevladuje zelena.

Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold

Swatchi …

Swatch: Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Bright Indigo, Cherry Red, Red, Chocolate, Petrol Black, Aqua Gold
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Bright Indigo, Cherry Red, Red, Chocolate, Petrol Black, Aqua Gold (over a base)
Swatch: Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Bright Indigo, Cherry Red, Red
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Bright Indigo, Cherry Red, Red (over a base)
Swatch: Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Chocolate, Petrol Black, Aqua Gold
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Chocolate, Petrol Black, Aqua Gold (over a base)

Cena: 6,55€ za zelo radodarno količino senčila. Točna teža žal nikjer ni napisana, vendar lahko napišem, da gre za resnično radodarno količino.

Kje lahko set kupite? Na spletni strani Lič

Dazzle Dust senčila v prahu so v steklenih lončkih s temnim pokrovom. Lončki me spominjajo na lončke, v katere so zapakirani Effect Powder senčila znamke Gosh. Dazzle Dust-i so dobro pigmentirani in enostavni za uporabo, če ste navajeni na senčila v prahu. Pravzaprav z nobenim od zgoraj opisanih odtenkov nisem imela nobenih težav. Senčila v prahu zmeraj nanašam na podlago za senčila. Tako ostanejo na mestu več ur. Uporabite jih lahko tudi na licih in ustnicah. Pustite domišljiji prosto pot. :wink:

Za konec pa imam kot bonus za vas dva make up-a, pri katerih kraljujejo senčila predstavljena zgoraj.

Črno-zeleno-zlat make up … Za osvetljevanje sem uporabila najsvetlejše odtenke iz Sleek i-Divine Bad Girl palete. Ali vidite, kako zeleno izgleda Aqua Gold?

Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold and Petrol Black make up by Maestra
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold and Petrol Black make up by Maestra
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold and Petrol Black make up by Maestra
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold and Petrol Black make up by Maestra
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold and Petrol Black make up by Maestra
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold and Petrol Black make up by Maestra

Barvit make up … Belo, rumeno in modro senčilo je iz Sleek i-Divine Acid palete.

Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Red, Cherry Red and Bright Indigo make up by Maestra
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Red, Cherry Red and Bright Indigo make up by Maestra
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Red, Cherry Red and Bright Indigo make up by Maestra
Barry M - Dazzle Dust: Red, Cherry Red and Bright Indigo make up by Maestra

Kako se vam zdijo Barry M Dazzle Duste senčila v prahu? Ste jih že preizkusili? Kateri so vaši najljubši odtenki?

*Nekatere izdelke sem dobila v oceno..

27 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Barry M – Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold, Petrol Black, Chocolate, Red, Cherry Red and Bright Indigo<!--:--><!--:sl-->Opis in ocena: Barry M – Dazzle Dust: Aqua Gold, Petrol Black, Chocolate, Red, Cherry Red in Bright Indigo<!--:-->”

    • Res so lepe! :wub: Dejansko bi se težko odločila, katera mi je najbolj všeč in katera najmanj. Vse so lepe in uporabne, če jih le dobro kombiniraš. :cute:

  1. They are so pretty :thumb:

    I think you made a perfect combination here – Red, Cherry Red and Bright Indigo – looks like a cute parokeet :crown:
    Aqua Gold and Petrol Black is super nice too.

    Like it. :yes:

    • Jaz mislim, da ti ne bo žal, če si kak DD privoščiš. ;) Z mokrom nanosom pridejo še bolj intenzivni in šimer pride bolj do izraza. Kateri odtenki pa te mikajo?
      Hvala za komentar! :rose:


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