And yes… I got more lip stuff ;)Ja… spet sem si nabavila nekaj šmink ;)

I can’t help myself, lately I bought a bunch of lip stuff (not all at once but during the period of few months). And of course again MAC. I admit I love their lipsticks.

I’m probably boring you with colours, but believe me, they are pretty different in real life. :crown:

Lipsticks Lipglass MAC BeautyLine
MAC Lipsticks and lipglass, BeautyLine lipstick

All swatches were made on my lips. So here they are:

MAC Hello Kitty LE – Strayin’ (wait to see cute package at the end of post :wub: ).

MAC Hello Kitty Strain swatch
MAC Hello Kitty – Strayin’

MAC – Speed Dial

MAC Speed Dial swatch
MAC – Speed Dial

MAC – Milan Mode (in real life is a little bit darker shade)

MAC Milan Mode lipstick swatch
MAC – Milan Mode

Last lipstick I bought in Kik for really low price – 1€. It is solid lipstick, very pigmented, easy to apply. Packaging is nothing special, but as I said, it was waaay cheap, so packaging can be easily forgiven.

There’s no name or number on it.

BeautyLine Deluxe lipstick

BeautyLine lipstick swatch
BeautyLine Deluxe lipstick

At for last here is MAC lipglass from Venomous Villains collection in Revenge is sweet. I thought that it is darker on lips but anyway I like it. It would probably look better over lipstick mentioned above.

MAC lipglass Venomous Villains Revenge is sweet swatch
MAC lipglass – LE Venomous Villains – Revenge is sweet

And the best part … I know I’m package sucker, they are both sooo cute :wub:

MAC lipglass Revenge is sweet, MAC Strayin'
MAC lipglass Revenge is sweet, MAC Strayin’

Do you like my new goodies? :lips:

:wave:Tokrat spet MAC. Ne morem si pomagat, meni so njihove šminke top, edino cena še ni top, ampak se da preživet.

Nisem kupila vseh naenkrat ampak v obdobju nekaj mesecev… Verjetno se z odtenki ponavljam ampak verjemite.. v živo so si različne :crown:

Lipsticks Lipglass MAC BeautyLine
MAC šminke in lipglass, BeautyLine šminka

Swatche sem kot ponavadi naredila na ustnicah. Pa si poglejmo lepo po vrsti:

MAC Hello Kitty LE – Strayin’ (morate videti embalažo :wub: – slikca na koncu)

MAC Hello Kitty Strain swatch
MAC Hello Kitty - Strayin'

MAC – Speed Dial

MAC Speed Dial swatch
MAC - Speed Dial

MAC – Milan Mode (je v živo je malenkost temnejša).

MAC Milan Mode lipstick swatch
MAC - Milan Mode

Zadnjo izmed šmink sem kupila v Kiku po res smešni ceni 1€. Šminka je neverjetno obstojna, se lepo maže, edino ima en tak čuden vonj po agrumih.. Mene sicer ne moti.

Imena nima, številke tudi ne … Odtenek je pa lep poletni in meni zelo všečen.

BeautyLine Deluxe

BeautyLine lipstick swatch
BeautyLine Deluxe lipstick


Na zadnje pa je prišel na vrsto še lipgloss oz. MAC lipglass iz LE Venomous Villains v odtenku Revenge is sweet. Za njega sem pričakovala, da bo na ustnicah temnejši pa ni.

Tukaj sem ga slikala samega brez podlage, čeprav bi boljše izgledal čez kakšno od zgoraj omenjenih šmink :yes:

MAC lipglass Venomous Villains Revenge is sweet swatch
MAC lipglass - LE Venomous Villains - Revenge is sweet

In še najlepši del … Jaz ‘padam’ na embalažo, ne morem si pomagat :wub:

MAC lipglass Revenge is sweet, MAC Strayin'
MAC lipglass Revenge is sweet, MAC Strayin'

So vam všeč moje nove pridobitve? :lips:


10 thoughts on “<!--:en-->And yes… I got more lip stuff ;)<!--:--><!--:sl-->Ja… spet sem si nabavila nekaj šmink ;)<!--:-->”

  1. Goga OMG ne mi tega delat – zaradi tebe se mi WL šmink daljša in daljša, pa že brez tega jih imam nenormalno veliko… Imela bi pa prvi dve ter to od Kiko. Saj prvo (hello kitty) verjetno sploh ni več možno dobit glede na to da je LE.
    Imaš mogoče odtenek ‘creme cup’ od MAC?

    • V Kiku imajo še vedno tisto šminko, sem bila prejšnji teden v petek :)

      Hello Kitty je LE šminka in jo imajo na ebayu, seveda je cena tudi zasoljena, nekaj čez 24€ (preračunano iz USD).

      Creme cup nimam, sem pa na netu našla primerjavo z Angel, ki pa jo imam, tako da me tudi ne mika, da bi jo imela :)

      Moje sožalje za daljšo wl…. jaz imam spet nekaj na wl… bom videla kako se bom dokopala do teh šmink :nervous:


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