Kiko Lavish Oriental LE (review, swatches)Kiko Lavish Oriental LE (opis, ocena)

4 holographic nail polishes in Kiko’s newest limited edition? Italy, here I come. :biggrin:
And as I was already there, one Colour Seduction eyeshadow palette ended up in my cart too. :cute:

Kiko Lavish Oriental haul
Kiko Lavish Oriental haul

I guess you could say Kiko Peacock Green (no. 401) is the shade closest to my heart. And as it usually happens I swatched this beauty when the weather was more or less cloudy, so the holographic effect is not as pronounced as in real life. On second photo I stamped with Steel Gray over Peacock Green and the sun was more cooperative which means holo is more realistic. Color is more blue (swatches) in some lighting and green (video) in others.

Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 401 - Peacock Green
Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 401 – Peacock Green swatch

Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 401 + 400 + BM 202 image plate stamping
Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 401 + 400 + BM 202 IP

Kiko Silk Taupe (no. 399) is little bit weirdish but pretty color. If active, holo particles make it almost golden and if not it becomes more cooler/silverish toned taupe(?).

Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 399 - Silk Taupe
Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 399 – Silk Taupe swatch

Kiko Steel Grey (no. 400) reminds me of this comparison of gray holo nail polishes, but in lighter version. This one seemed to be the most pigmented, that is why I decided to stamp with it over Peacock Green.

Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 400 - Steel Grey
Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 400 – Steel Grey swatch

My least favorite is Kiko Jewel Pink (no. 402). A) it’s pink, B) holo effect is pretty weak … and I can forgive the second one. :silly: Joking aside it’s not bad pink at all, but in my eyes it pales in comparison with other 3 shades.

Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 402 - Jewel Pink
Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 402 – Jewel Pink swatch

All four Kiko Lavish Oriental polishes can be applied over regular base coat, but if you use water based one, the application will be pure poetry. I used 2 coats for all the swatches.
They dry in almost satin finish which is not my favorite in holographic nail polishes, so I added one layer of Essence Better Than Gel nails Top Sealer … and that actually made the holo effect stronger. :thumb:

I like the fact that even-though holo effect is there and visible, you’re not left with silver nail polish in the shade.

Kiko Lavish Oriental holographic nail polishes
Kiko Lavish Oriental holographic nail polishes

All of the Kiko Colour Seduction eyeshadow palettes looked tempting, but no. 01 an 02 drew me the most. First with great color combination for quick everyday makeup and second with welcoming warm tones.
In the end I chose no.2 … Sensuous Burgundy. Colors are really rich and inviting, especially the burgundy eyeshadow. :love: The only thing missing in this palette is true highlighting color to make it outstanding. And it does how one other major downside – shelf-life is only 6 months … which is why I’m storing it in the fridge. :nervous:
So far I used it only once for whole-day makeup and I have no complaints … jet. :silly:
Swatches are made with brush over eyeshadow base in 2 thicker layers.

Kiko Lavish Oriental - Sensuous Burgundy eyeshadow palette
Kiko Lavish Oriental – Sensuous Burgundy eyeshadow palette shade swatch

Kiko Lavish Oriental - Sensuous Burgundy eyeshadow palette
Kiko Lavish Oriental – Sensuous Burgundy eyeshadow palette sun swatch

This is quick swatch of no. 01 palette called Sumptuous Mocha I made at the store with finger and no base … photo was taken couple of hours after the swatch was made.

Kiko Lavish Oriental - Sumptuous Mocha eyeshadow palette
Kiko Lavish Oriental – Sumptuous Mocha eyeshadow palette swatch

Video review:

– nail polish: 4,90 EUR for 11ml (0.37fl.oz.)
– palette: 12,90 EUR for 8g (0.28 oz.)


Štirje holografski laki v najnovejši Kiko kolekciji? Sem že prištimana, kdaj odrinemo v Italijo? :biggrin:
In če sem že bila v trgovini, bi bil greh, da ne bi z menoj odšla še vsaj ena Colour Seduction paletka senčil za oči. :cute:

Kiko Lavish Oriental haul
Kiko Lavish Oriental haul

Lahko bi rekli, da je Kiko Peacock Green (št. 401) še najbližje mojem idealnem odtenku. I kot se to seveda rado zgodi, je bilo vreme ravno v času, ko sem nosila ta odtenek pretežno oblačno. Naslednji dan sem mu dodala še vzorec narejen s Steel Grey lakom kjer je holo efekt malo lepše viden. Barva je lahko bolj modra (swatchi) ali zelena (video) … odvisno od tipa svetlobe.

Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 401 - Peacock Green
Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 401 – Peacock Green swatch

Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 401 + 400 + BM 202 image plate stamping
Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 401 + 400 + BM 202 IP

Kiko Silk Taupe (št. 399) je sicer rahlo čudaški odtenek, a vseeno lep lakec. Če je holografski efekt aktiviran, potem se obarva v skoraj zlat odtenek, medtem ko je v senci precej bolj srebrn.

Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 399 - Silk Taupe
Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 399 – Silk Taupe swatch

Kiko Steel Grey (št. 400) me je takoj spomnil na primerjavo sivih holo lakov, ki sem jo naredila pred časom … le da gre tukaj za svetlejši odtenek. Ta odtenek se mi zdel še najbolj pigmentiran, zato sem ga uporabila za konadikuro čez Peacock Green.

Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 400 - Steel Grey
Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 400 – Steel Grey swatch

Meni pogrešljiv odtenek bi bil Kiko Jewel Pink (št. 402). A) roza je, B) holo efekt je najmanj viden … in drugo točko mu še lahko oprostim. :silly: Šalo na stran, ne gre za grd roza odtenek, vendar pa lak nekako zbledi, ko je postavljen ob bok ostalim trem.

Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 402 - Jewel Pink
Kiko Lavish Oriental nail polish 402 – Jewel Pink swatch

Vse štiri Kiko Lavish Oriental lake za nohte je možno nanesti čez navaden podlak, vendar pa toplo priporočam uporabo podlaka na vodni osnovi, ker je le takrat nanos poezija.
Na vseh swatchih sem uporabila 2 plasti.
Laki se posušijo v rahlo satenast finiš, ki meni ne gre ravno skupaj s holo laki, zato sem jim dodala še eno plast Essence Better Than Gel nails Top Sealer nadlaka … ki je še okrepil holo efekt. :thumb:

Zelo mi je všeč dejstvo, da laki kljub močnemu holografskemu finišu, v senči še vedno obdržijo barvo … in ne postanejo čisto sivi.

Kiko Lavish Oriental holographic nail polishes
Kiko Lavish Oriental holographic nail polishes

Čisto vse Kiko Colour Seduction palete so izgledale mamljivo, vendar sta me št. 01 in 02 najbolj pritegnili. Prva z zelo uporabnim izborom barv za vsakodnevno ličenje, druga pa s svojimi toplimi toni.
Na koncu sem izbrala št. 02 … Sensuous Burgundy. Barve so enostavno tako tople in bogate, da se jim enostavno nisem mogla upreti. Edino kar pogrešam v paletki, je dobra barva za osvetljevanje. Imajo pa palete eno veliko pomanjkljivost – rok trajanja po odprtju je le 6 mesecev. Mojo hranim kar v hladilniku in upam na daljšo življenjsko dobo. :nervous:
Do sedaj sem jo samo 1x uporabila za celodnevni makeup in nimam pripomb … za enkrat. :silly:
Senčila sem nanesla s čopičem čez bazo v dveh debelejših plasteh.

Kiko Lavish Oriental - Sensuous Burgundy eyeshadow palette
Kiko Lavish Oriental – Sensuous Burgundy eyeshadow palette shade swatch

Kiko Lavish Oriental - Sensuous Burgundy eyeshadow palette
Kiko Lavish Oriental – Sensuous Burgundy eyeshadow palette sun swatch

Še hiter swatch palete št. 01 Sumptuous Mocha. Tega sem naredila v trgovini, ko sem se odločala med paletama. Senčila sem nanesla s prsti, brez baze, swatch pa je že prestal marsikaj v nekaj urah med nastankom in fotografiranjem.

Kiko Lavish Oriental - Sumptuous Mocha eyeshadow palette
Kiko Lavish Oriental – Sumptuous Mocha eyeshadow palette swatch

Video ocena:

– lak za nohte: 4,90 EUR za 11ml
– paleta: 12,90 EUR za 8g


86 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Kiko Lavish Oriental LE (review, swatches)<!--:--><!--:sl-->Kiko Lavish Oriental LE (opis, ocena)<!--:-->”

  1. Thank you for the giveaway! I’ve joined it and I didn’t even understand that was a giveaway, I thought I was commenting, lol! If I win (ahahahahha yes, of course XD) I already own Silk Taupe, so I’ll be ok with the palette, that’s enchanting, as sensouous burgundy, the other don’t write at all ç__ç and I’m sad because colors are amazing, but not pigmented ç__ç )

  2. I can`t add the optional entry now because I already done the other mandatory steps and clicked the button. But here it is- my optional entry- mentioning about the giveaway on my blog-


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