Survey Q&AAnketa – vprašanja in odgovori

I finally made it through all your survey answers. You were really thorough and honest, which I absolutely loved. :bow:
I’ll try to make this as structured as possible so Q&A it is. Q being not typical questions but more your suggestions, comments …

Q: Not enough girly site, I like the new layout, new layout is not enough elegant, hate background …
A: We’re all 30+ year old women, so I’m guessing we grew out of our girly phase. Layout is more “general” on purpose as we have very different personalities and same goes for our readers – this way is least problematic for majority. I’m with you on background. I wanted to incorporate our logo in it, but have to tone it down first.

Q: Logo: love it, hate it, bring back parakeet, does not reflect your site
A: Now this one was interesting – half of you were very vocal about missing our mascot and other half could not wait to be rid of it. :biggrin:

Q: Only snippets show up in reader, no photo included
A: This question was already answered in previous surveys – as long as technology is the way it is, there won’t be full articles in readers. Why make it super easy to steal content for the bad guys? :cute: Lack of photo is one of the template glitches. If they don’t fix it soon, we’ll do it ourselves.

Q: Why not buy a colorful modern theme which is responsive?
A: Our theme is one of the newest ones (hence still little bit buggy), definitively not cheap and is responsive. Colorful is not something easy to pull with when you have wide audience as half of it will hate it. :silly: Responsive? It is responsive, but this feature will probably be turned off as nobody complimented it, one really hated it and I’m not a fan either. :angel:

Q: Last posts in sidebar …
A: Coming up as soon as I manage to resolve some template issues.

Q: Write more, there is a lot of you, complain less
A: Actually – there are 4 of us with author status on Parokeets blog, but Goga and Mamy don’t write very often as they’re busy with other things in life. Maestra was overwhelmed by “real life” also, so she too has a lot less time to blog. I’m the one who complains too much about lack of time – my frustration sneaked into to many posts lately and I’ll do my best to cut it out. :cute:

Q: Post about foundations, mascaras, lipsticks …
A: I’m thinking of merging left over foundations in one post, so I can start with clean slate +  Maestra is preparing 12 BB cream review. Mascaras – 3 tested but I have to get my eyebrows done before I do swatches and my favorite beautician is no longer working. It’s either bushy brows, uneven if I do them myself or find somebody else … and the last one will take time. I didn’t know lipsticks are “in” – guess it’s good thing I’m currently in process of replacing most of my lip products. :silly: But I’ll start with pen lipsticks so those will be more featured on the blog than regular packaging ones.

Q: High end brands …
A: We don’t have MAC, NARS or Urban Decay in Slovenia, so those brands are not as present on blog as much as they could be. :sigh: Currently I like the products from Estee Lauder, Clinique and Clarins + Collistar, Isadora, Make Up Factory from entry HE brands. I’m sure I forgot few, but those are the ones that catch my eye more than others.

Q: More make-up looks …
A: I’m pretty sure you’re missing Maestras make-up looks, as mine are usually 5 min slap it on and run. :biggrin:


Thank you all for your in-depth answers and great suggestions. generator chose the winner of Estee Lauder eyeshadow palette from the 41 of those that decided to enter our survey giveaway.

And the winner is … Hrestomatija. Congratulations! Please send us your password and other information in the next 48 hours to

EL giveaway winner

Malo je trajalo, vendar sem prebrala vse vaše predloge in pripombe. Hvala vsem, ki ste si vzele čas za iskrene in poglobljene odgovore. :rose:

Nekaj ponavljajočih se pripomb sem povzela in odgovorila na njih. Če pa je še kaj ostalo neodgovorjeno, nedorečeno … smo pa vedno na voljo.

Q: Stran ni zadosti dekliška/ženstvena, všeč mi je nov videz, nov videz ni zadosti eleganten, ozadje je grozno …
A: Glede na to, da smo vse Parokeetke starejše kot 30 let, je verjetno logično, da smo že izven dekliške faze. Sam videz je bolj splošen, ker smo že me zelo različne, enako pa velja tudi za naše bralke. Na tak način je večini videz vsaj zadovoljiv, če že ne gre narediti všečnega vsem. Kar se tiče ozadja, se moram strinjati. Takoj ko bo čas in ideja, bi rada v ozadje dodala našo maskoto.

Q: Logo: všeč mi je, sovražim ga, kje je papagajček!, nič ne pove o vaši strani …
A: Vprašanje, ki vas je najbolj razdvojilo – prva polovica je komaj čakala, da maskota izgine, druga pa ga močno pogreša. Samo mavričast napis pa tudi ni hit. :silly:  Iskreno rečeno, ne vem, če se bo logo v kratkem spreminjal – mogoče, če dobimo res fantastičen preblisk.

Q: V RSS bralnikih se pokaže samo povzetek, manjka fotografija …
A: Na to vprašanje smo sicer že odgovorile v prejšnjih anketah, vendar če povzamem – dokler je tehnologija kakršna je, bodo povzetki ostali. Le zakaj bi internetnim zlobcem maksimalno olajšali krajo vsebine? :cute: Fotografija se bo vrnila, vendar gre za težavo nove teme. Če ne bodo hitro popravili napake, se bomo sami lotili reševanja problema.

Q: Zakaj ne kupite moderne teme z responsive tehnologijo?
A: V bistvu je tema kupljena, ena najnovejših (posledično še ni čisto stabilna) in niti ne spada med cenejše opcije. Bolj barvasto je kar težko zastaviti takšno stran kot je naša – enostavno se je izkazalo, da potem polovica obiskovalk sovraži izgled. Tema je responsive, vendar sumim, da bo ta funkcija hitro izginila – nihče je ni pohvalil, ena jo izrecno sovraži, pa tudi meni ni ravno pri srcu.  :angel:

Q: Zadnji posti v sidebaru …
A: Nismo pozabili na njih, vendar programski škrat ravno pri tej opciji nagaja. Upamo, da se bo s posodobitvijo teme tudi ta funkcija vrnila. Najprej smo želeli slišati kaj vse ve pogrešate, potem pa se bomo lotili posodobitve vsega skupaj.

Q: Pogrešam več postov, saj je več avtoric, manj se pritožujte …
A: Gremo po vrsti. Trenutno imajo na Parokeets blogu avtorski status 4 Parokeete. Vendar – Goga in Mamy praktično nimata več časa za blog, pa tudi Maestra je čisto zasuta z obveznostmi. Se pa posipam s pepelom – res se preveč pritožujem zadnje čase nad pomanjkanjem časa. Očitno se moje frustracije vsake toliko prelijejo v post. :blush:

Q: Posti o podlagah/pudrih, maskarah, šminkah …
A: Vedno bolj razmišljam, da bi vse preostale podlage strnila v en post, tako da lahko spet neobremenjeno pristopila k Projektu podlaga. Maestra pa ima v delu post o 12ih BB kremah, tako da tematika zagotovo ne bo zamrla. Maskare – 3 sem že temeljito preizkusila, vendar moram pred fotografiranjem nekako obdelati obrvi. Moje kozmetičarke ni več, če se sama lotim dela bo katastrofa, iskanje novega salona pa bo očitno kar trajalo. Pravite, da so šminke “in”? Potem sem se pa lotila prenove zbirke izdelkov za ustnice ravno ob pravem času. :silly: Začela bom s tistimi v obliki svinčnikov, tako da bodo te ocene tudi najprej na blogu.

Q: Znamke višjega cenovnega razreda …
A: MAC, NARS in Urban Decay so bile precej pogosto omenjene, a teh pri nas ni, zato so zelo slabo zastopane na blogu. :sigh: Osebno mi pogled trenutno največ pritegnejo Estee Lauder, Clinique in Clarins + Collistar, Isadora, Make Up Factory.

Q: Več fotografij naličenih oči/obraza, kombinacije MU in oblačil …
A: Torej, če povzamem – pogrešate Maestrine poste. Sem precej ziher, da si nihče ne želi videti mojega v 5min napleskanega make-upa. :biggrin:


Še enkrat hvala vsem za vaš čas in predloge. Večina jih bo v veliko pomoč pri dokončanju strani. :rose:

In še zadnje dejanje – Estee Lauder paleta senčil gre k … Hrestomatija. Čestitamo! Prosimo, če nam pošlješ tvoje geslo in ostale podatke v naslednjih 48ih urah na

EL giveaway winner

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