Alessandro Go Magic! – Thermo TwistAlessandro Go Magic! – Thermo Twist

Finally – long awaited Alessandro Go Magic! Thermo Twist nail polishes are mine! :happy: I waited and waited and waited for this limited edition for quite some time now as we didn’t get the fall color changing shades and I couldn’t find them in Austria neither. But the wait is now over I can finally play with my new toys. :biggrin:

Alessandro Go Magic! Thermo Twist

Interestingly enough 2 nail polishes I have are completely different in finish and formula. Poppish Blue is shimmery and satin looking while Funky Purple is more jelly like. Whole Thermo Twist line changes color depending on the temperature.

I had serious problems deciding which shade should I get as I liked majority of them. I asked you on FB which one would you recommend and quite a lot of you agreed with my friends (one even chose it for her birthday gift :silly: ) – go for the Poppish Blue! I was hesitating about this shade as I saw some swatches I didn’t really like, but you convinced me. :silly:

Poppish Blue was easy to apply, I loved natural satin finish and more shimmery one after I applied top coat. I used only 2 coats, so the color is not as blue as it gets after 3 coats and tips are still seen. But I liked fast drying time and opted for no top coat for swatches as I didn’t know it how would affect the color changing magic. After I later applied it I saw that it doesn’t lessen the effect, but perhaps even slightly enhances it. Ups … :blush: We’re currently having really high temperatures so nail polish stays in the “hot” zone for majority of time. But the effect was still seen after I washed my hands, handled cool drinks, ice cream …  Overall I think spring/fall time is the best to wear this kind of nail polishes as effect reaches maximum potential in moderate and changing temperatures.

Alessandro Thermo Twist - Poppish Blue
Alessandro Thermo Twist – Poppish Blue (swatch)

Funky Purple seemed to be slightly more responsive to color change, but the formula is little header to work with and it doesn’t dry as fast as with blue one. If we’re talking about color changing effect only, then I like it slightly more than with Poppish Blue. Why? Gradient of going from warm to cool toned shade is more pronounced. Again I used 2 coats of Thermo Twist nail polish and no top coat.

Alessandro Thermo Twist -  Funky Purple
Alessandro Thermo Twist – Funky Purple (swatch)

The only downside of these nail polishes is their price – 17 EUR for 10ml (0.34 fl.oz.). Yikes.  :nervous: If the price was lover, I would buy more shades, but at the same time I don’t regret the 17 EUR I paid for Poppish Blue – for me, it was worth it.  :cute:

*Funky Purple was sent to me for review by Alessandro Slovenia.

Končno! Dolgo pričakovana Alessandro Go Magic! Thermo Twist omejena kolekcija je le prišla v naše kraje! :happy: Jesenskih odtenkov ni bilo k nam, brez uspeha sem jo iskala pri severnih sosedih, sedaj pa se lahko po res dolgotrajnem čakanju končno poigram z dvema lakoma za nohte, ki spreminjata barvo glede na temperaturo.

Alessandro Go Magic! Thermo Twist

Zanimivo se mi je zdelo, da imata laka, ki ju imam, popolnoma različni formuli in finiša. Poppish Blue je šimrast in ima satenast videz, medtem ko je Funky Purple bolj v “jelly” kategoriji.

Ne sprašujte kakšne težave sem imela pri odločitvi kateri odtenek naj bo moj. Noben mi ni bil grd, najbolj pri srcu pa dva. Na koncu ste mi do končne odločitve pomagali naši FB spremljevalci ter prijatelji, tako da sem izbrala Poppish Blue (ena prijateljica si ga je celo zaželela za rojstni dan :silly: )! Priznam, da sem zaradi nekaterih swatchew, ta odtenek kar malo potisnila v ozadje, vendar ste me prepričale, da ga moram imeti. :biggrin:

Poppish Blue je enostaven za nanašati, se hitro suši, ima satenst finiš brez nadlaka in šimrastega z nadlakom. Sama sem uporabila 2 plasti, tako da je barva malo bolj sivkasto-modra. 3 plasti pričarajo bolj moder odtenek. Konice so po dveh plasteh še vedno vidne, vendar me to niti ni pretirano motilo … očitno, kajti drugače bi dodala še eno plast. :silly: Nisem bila čisto prepričana ali bo nadlak kaj vplival na efekt spreminjanja barv ali ne, tako da ga nisem uporabila na swatchih. Kasneje sem ga dodala in ugotovila, da ima kvečjemu pozitiven vpliv. Ups … :blush: Ker smo trenutno v času, ko so temperature precej visoke, je na nohtih prevladovala “topla” barva. Se je pa temnejša modra prikazala, ko sem si umila roke, vzela mrzlo pijačo/sladoled … Na splošno bi rekla, da pridejo takšni laki še najbolj do izraza v pomladnem/jesenskem času. Meni osebno je tole verjetno ena redkih francoskih manikur, ki mi je všeč – občasno se prikaže, je barvno usklajena in obarva konice tam kjer je treba. :cute:

Alessandro Thermo Twist - Poppish Blue
Alessandro Thermo Twist – Poppish Blue (swatch)

Funky Purple mi je deloval kot malo bolj temperaturno odziven lak v primerjavi z modrim. Je pa res, da je s formulo malo več dela, ker je nanos rahlo težji, čas sušenja pa malo daljši. Če pa govorimo le o barvni spremembi, mi je pa Funky Purple malo ljubši. Predvsem na račun bolj prestopnega prehoda iz svetlejše v temnejšo barvo. Tudi tokrat sem uporabila 2 plasti Thermo Twist laka brez nadlaka.

Alessandro Thermo Twist -  Funky Purple
Alessandro Thermo Twist – Funky Purple (swatch)

Če mene vprašate je samo 1 minus – cena. 17 EUR za 10ml. Jajks. :nervous: Če bi bila cena nižja, bi zagotovo še kakšen pristal v moji zbirki, vendar pa niti najmanj ne obžalujem 17ih EUR, ki sem jih plačala za Poppish Blue. :cute:

[box type=”info” align=”aligncenter” ]Alessandro Thermo Twist kolekcija je na voljo v Ljubljani v Maximarketu in Nami ter Beautique Kranj in parfumeriji Samantha v Novi Gorici.[/box]

*Funky Purple sem dobila v oceno od Alessandro Slovenia.

14 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Alessandro Go Magic! – Thermo Twist<!--:--><!--:sl-->Alessandro Go Magic! – Thermo Twist<!--:-->”

  1. I totally fell in love with color changing polishes when I received my first from dance legend! So much fun to play with! Love the first one. I hope this collection comes to Austria eventually!

  2. Ooo, super izgled francoske manikure, ravno zaradi tega so mi tovrstni laki zelo všeč. Ampak še enkrat je Alessandro čisto preveč navil ceno in jih zato ne bom kupila. Škoda, res so luštni.


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