Depend 040, 041, 058 nail polishesDepend 040, 041, 058 laki za nohte

Long time ago I received 3 nail polishes from Depend. I won’t even tell you how long it took me to swatch these 3 small beauties. If only I disliked the shades, I wouldn’t feel as bad about my slowness, but as that is not he case … :blush:

These are the 3 nail polishes I finally wore and swatched. Creme red, shimmery blue and duochrome holo glitter.

Depend 040, 041, 058 nail polishes
Depend 040, 041, 058 nail polishes

Depend 040 nail polish is one of those creme red beauties that lean from slightly cool to warm undertone, but could just as easily pass for neutral part of the time. Application was easy, and if you’re not fussy, one layer can give you full coverage. I always like to use 2 coats for perfect look and longer staying power. I added one layer of top coat.

Depend 040 nail polish
Depend 040 nail polish swatch

For next 2 shades I went for 3 thin layers. These kind of shades just look better to me if I use more of thinner layers, it sort of gives me deeper/richer color without unevenness. Of course you have to be smart about it and wait for the polish to either dry little bit and then use fast drying top coat or skip the “fast” in the top coat. As you can see, I was not smart with Depend 058 polish. :silly:

But you can still kind of see the duochrome green-purple effect and holographic glitter that binds it together.

Depend 058 nail polish
Depend 058 nail polish swatch

No secret that I love electric blue nail polishes, so no wonder I loved Depend 041 nail polish. I wore this one as 2 and 3 coater. 2 coats result in more greenish-blue shade, while 3 deepen it to almost completely blue color. Pretty blue shimmer is added bonus. 3 coats + top coat.

Depend 041 nail polish
Depend 041 nail polish swatch

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Zelo, zelo dolgo nazaj, sem prejela v oceno 3 Depend lake. Raje sploh ne bom povedala koliko časa sem potrebovala za swatche 3 mini lepotcev. Če bi vsaj lahko rekla, da niso moje barve, finiši … ampak niti tega izgovora nimam. :blush:

Naj vam najprej pokažem vse tri na kupu: krem rdečkota, šimer moder odtenek in duochrome lepotca s holografskimi bleščicami.

Depend 040, 041, 058 nail polishes
Depend 040, 041, 058 nail polishes

Depend 040 lak za nohte je eden izmed tistih klasičnih rdečih odtenkov, ki se nagibajo od modrega k toplemu spektru in so občasno nevtralni, tako da si jaz poenostavi življenje in jim kar pravim nevtralno rdeči laki. :silly: Nanos je bil enostaven in če niste preveč zahtevne, vam bo že ena sama plast zadoščala za dobro prekrivnost. Zame osebno sta 2 plasti boljša izbira, ker tako dobim popoln nanos in daljšo obstojnost. 2 plasti + nadlak.

Depend 040 nail polish
Depend 040 nail polish swatch

Pri naslednjih dveh odtenkih sem uporabila 3 tanke plasti. Iz neznanega razloga mi pri takšnih finiših 3 plasti enostavno izgledajo nekako bolj živo/globokih barv, pa tudi sam končni izgled nit tako neenakomeren. Je pa fino, če potem majčkeno počakam preden dodam hitrosušeči nadlak oz uporabim navadno različico, če ne rado pride do ups trenutkov kot to lahko vidite pri swatchu Depend 058 laka. :silly:

Dokler je še vedno vidno prelivanje iz zelene v vijola barvo in holografske bleščice, ki vse skupaj povežejo v celoto … recimo, da je OK swatch. :biggrin:

Depend 058 nail polish
Depend 058 lak swatch

Električno modri laki so moja javna ljubezen, tako da ne bo nobena presenečena, da sem se dobesedno slinila nad Depend 041 odtenkom. 1x sem ga nosila v dveh plasteh, drugič pa v treh. Pri dveh plasteh je barva bolj zelenkasto-modra, medtem 3 plasti praktično skrijejo zelenkasto noto. Lušten moder šimer je dodaten bonus. 3 plasti + nadlak.

Depend 041 nail polish
Depend 041 lak swatch

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