HERE I recently wrote about Essence Trend Edition called 50’s Fever. Finally I managed to get the remaining items I wanted from this collection. So today I have pictures of two polishes and a blush to show to you.
First up is the creme milky shade called be-pop-a-lula. Like most such shades this one also applied a little streaky. With two coats it looked like this…
As you can see from the above pictures it still had some visible streaks at two thick coats. By applying another coat I was able to smooth it out. It is such a pretty milky shade. I really love it and is one of my favourite milky shades, because it is not chalky.
Next one is Love Me Tender. The shade is difficult to describe… I would call it a dark muted pink or something like that. It has silver shimmer to it. I had no application issues with this one.
Image above is two coats taken without a flash, while the following picture is with flash.
The last thing I got from the 50’s Fever collection was the blush Love Me Tender. It is divided into two parts. One part is matt and the other part contains a small shimmer.
I general, I am pleased with my purchase and will definitely use them a lot.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Rdečilo mi je zelo všeč, pa čopič bi tudi! :kissing:
Lakcev imam pa zaenkrat dovolj…
Goga, kaj se zahvaljuješ Maestri?
Če mene ne bi bilo, bi bile vse brez :devil:
Sicer pa super fotke, ass ussual :heart:
Tale mlečen je fantastičen bo na zagoreli koži definitivno zgledal super!
Komaj čakam, da dobim lakce! Maestra hvala. Pa slikice so super. Tega mlečnega sem si pa zaželela, ker nimam niti enega take barve in bo fajn za poletne dni, ko smo bolj zagorele :wink:
Rozike pa nisem vzela, sem pred kratkim dobila/kupila 2 roza lakca druge znamke.
Blush izgleda obetaven, samo nisem ravno ljubiteljica blushov, tako da ga nisem kupila. Boste pa druge poročale kako se obnese :biggrin:
Ooooh, hvalabogu! Namreč…pred tem stojalom sem stala skupaj z Maestro, in razmisšljala, ali bi vzela tadva laka, ali ne…ali bi, ali ne bi…ker mi res nista bila nič posebnega (no ja, mlečno rabim za v službo, roza bo pa prav prišel za pomlad). Ampak potem sem pa pomislila, da mi bodo barve sigurno všeč na Maestrinih nohtih, pol se bom pa tolkla po glavi, zakaj ju nisem vzela! In sem ju! Hvalabogu, ker Mestra, tole zgleda suuuuuuper! Mlečen mi je ful všeč, čeprav že vidim kako se bom mučila z nanosom! pinki je pa čudovit, ker je umazan in ne živo pinki
skratka Maestra, kapo dol!
Spet me mamiš s čudovitimi fotkami. :devil:
Zelo lepo napisano.
Z današnjim dnem sem ponosna lastnica Love Me Tender.
In kot sem pravilno predvidevala, me bo Maestra s svojimi prelepimi nohtki, ki naredijo čisto vsako barvo, vsak odtenek tako presneto lep in must have, prepričala tudi v nakup be-po-a-lula :wub:
Se že veselim naslednjih kolekcij :whistle: