Zara – 400

For a long time I didn’t know that Zara is also selling nail polishes, until I saw this beautiful dark blue shade with fine blue shimmer, which is visible only under good lighting. The photograph is made with flash …

zara-400-1-bIt applies great. You’ll need only two coats for full coverage. Brush in my bottle is cut sideways which makes it hard to use, but it’s not completely useless. I don’t know whether it should be like this or it’s just mine. The bottle is small. It contains 8g or 0.28 oz.

I wonder if it is similar to Chanel Black Satin…

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

7 thoughts on “Zara – 400”

  1. If I’m not mistaken, than no. At least not here in Slovenia. The only really dark purple I have on my mind right now is Essie’s Sexy Divide, which is a really great shade.

  2. Does it exsist the same nail polish as this one, only that has purple gloss? (Black (as this one) and purple) :cool:

  3. Cena je nekaj manj kot 4eur. Moj čopič je čisto normale in se super nanaša. Mogoče imaš kako čudno verzijo. Je pa res lep ta odtenek – edino modra je mogoče premalo izrazita. V tem oblačnem vremenu izgleda kot črn.


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