For a long time I didn’t know that Zara is also selling nail polishes, until I saw this beautiful dark blue shade with fine blue shimmer, which is visible only under good lighting. The photograph is made with flash …
It applies great. You’ll need only two coats for full coverage. Brush in my bottle is cut sideways which makes it hard to use, but it’s not completely useless. I don’t know whether it should be like this or it’s just mine. The bottle is small. It contains 8g or 0.28 oz.
I wonder if it is similar to Chanel Black Satin…
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
If I’m not mistaken, than no. At least not here in Slovenia. The only really dark purple I have on my mind right now is Essie’s Sexy Divide, which is a really great shade.
Does it exsist the same nail polish as this one, only that has purple gloss? (Black (as this one) and purple) :cool:
Tale odtenek je res super. :heart: Moram v Zaro po ogledih za njihovimi laki za nohte.
aja morm it pogledat, ker sm bla zadnjič v centru v lj in nism nobenga lakca al pa ktere druge kozmetike vidla tam :-S
Cathy, dobi se jih v Zari ;) V LJ jih imajo v Zari v BTCju. Imajo jih pa tudi v MB v Europarku.
Kje pa se da dobit tale lakec?
Cena je nekaj manj kot 4eur. Moj čopič je čisto normale in se super nanaša. Mogoče imaš kako čudno verzijo. Je pa res lep ta odtenek – edino modra je mogoče premalo izrazita. V tem oblačnem vremenu izgleda kot črn.