EOTD: Sweetscents mineral eyeshadows and Coastal Scents gel liner Envious

Today, I really didn’t have the time and I wasn’t even in the mood to do a special make-up, so I did something quick and simple. I didn’t even intended to take a picture of it, but my dear friends told me that I should anyway. And one should trust his own friends

Sweescents: Egyptian Green, Cornflower, Satin Slipper; Coastal Scents: Envious gel linerSweescents: Egyptian Green, Cornflower, Satin Slipper; Coastal Scents: Envious gel linerFor the base I used Revlon EyeGlide shimmer shadow in shade Jade. I think EyeGlides have been discontinued, which is sad, because for me they work perfectly as eyeshadow base. All eyeshadows I used for this make-up are from Sweetscents. The shades are Egyptian Green, Cornflower and Satin Slipper. For eyeliner I used Coastal Scents gel liner Envious, which nicely rounded it all up. When I tested Envious as eyeshadow base, it didn’t work well for me. But as eyeliner it is perfect. It is easy to apply, it’s well pigmented and is long lasting. What more do you want?

And what is your favourite eyeshadow base? Do you use any?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

7 thoughts on “EOTD: Sweetscents mineral eyeshadows and Coastal Scents gel liner Envious”

  1. Pri meni so trenutno v igri kot podlage: Revlon EyeGlide, Coastal Scents Gel Liners, MAC Paint Pot. Pa še kaj bi se verjetno našlo.

  2. Hvala punce!

    Moja trenutno najljubša podlaga za senčila so Revlonova kremna senčila, ki sem jih omenila zgoraj. Pri vseh podlagah pa je treba biti pazljiv, da se je ne nanese preveč in da se jo lepo razmaže.

  3. ja res je lep! Črta je pa perfektna!
    Moja najljubša podlaga je definitivno primer, meni se zelo dobro obnese. Pa NYX jumbo svinčniki, čeprav pri teh moram bit pazljiva, ker znajo zlezt v gubo – ampak so super, ker tako poživijo senčko! Gel linerje bom pa še sprobala za podlago (razen True Black, tega ne bom packala po celi veki ker je očitno vodo- in milo-odporen


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