I know, I know… Everybody already knows, that it is Valentines day. It’s like almost every other holiday. Too comercialised, but OK. It’s a day when you should tell your beloved person that you love him or her. It’s a day when a man should buy a red rose to his girlfriend. It is also a day when you should buy your love a cute teddy bear on which is written: “I Love You”. Oh, how original Oh, yes one should do all that and a lot more on Valentine’s day. But why exactly on this day and not, ie. on friday the thirteenth? Ok, it is as it is. And it’s nice to have such days when you have another reason to spoil the one person you love. And I must say, I love to give and receive presents, but I don’t need a holiday to do that. Enough said. Let’s move to the manicure I choose for Valentine’s day. It is not a pink or red one. It is E.L.F.‘s Coral.
It’s a lovely coral shade packed with gold shimmer. It was easy to apply, because it is very well pigmented. But you’ll need two coats to get an even application.
After somer time I added some “sugar” to it. I applied one coat of Essence’s Ice Sparkles from the Trend Edition Arctic Lights.
I don’t really like the end result. Ice Sparkles is a sheer polish with shimmer that turns from pink, purple, silver to blue. And that shimmer “killed” warm gold shimmer of the base color. A detail of a Ice Sparkle…
I ordered my E.L.F. polishes from UK, where they cost 1,5£. They have interesting bottle with a plastic drop. Otherwise I am not overwhelmed, but they are OK. My only issue with them is that they have a strange brush which doesn’t bend easily. Sometimes it leaves brush strokes because of that and the only reason they are there, is because of the inappropriate brush.
And what is your Valentine’s manicure? Or do you maybe have an Anti-Valentine’s manicure?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Maestra, tale Elfič je noro dober! Tisti oranžni šimer je naravnost čudovit. Zato mi je tut prva slikca toliko bolj všeč…se mi zdi da je na drugi Essence ubil vso lepoto elfija
Flaška je pa res posrečenea, kaj tisto je plastika?
js mam pa rada Valentinovo, se mi zdi, da dodatna doza cukra včasih še kako paše :) Moj mi je podaril bombonjerco in SAM je nabral zvončke zame….juuuj kako lepooo
I have Anti-Valentine’s on. :devil: Just read one post higher.
Mamy, čudovito napisano in sem s čisto vsako besedo strinjam s teboj. Tudi sama sem pocukran človek in tudi jaz na ta praznik kaj podarim, vendar sem želela predvsem napisati, da ne smemo pozabiti tudi na ostale dni. Vsak dan je treba imeti rad!
Komaj čakam, da vidim rezultat.
Točno tako, naslednjič bom Ice Sparkle dala čez kakšen temno moder odtenek.
Najprej sem se vprašala, kako to, da si slikala stekleničko z razlitim lakom :biggrin: . Za dol past lepa koralna :w00t:
Vem, je skomercializirano do konca. Ampak življenje je prekratko, da mu ne bi ponudili nekaj pocukranega. Čeprav sem mojemu že zdavnaj rekla, da letos ne kupim niti ene stvari s srčkom, se je včeraj zgodilo ravno to. Ma tisti medvedek “I love you” je bil tako cortkan in kot nalašč z nočno lučko tvorita popolno celoto ob vzglavju postelje. Rahlo kičasto, a toplo mi je ob pogledu na tisto plišasto kepico. Celo mojemu je bil všeč. Očitno tako zelo, da sta mi s sinom po mejlu poslala home-made vrednostni bon za nakup kozmetike :biggrin: . Zadetek v polno :w00t: .
Danes sem v Supernovi na Rudniku dobila lepo rdečo vrtnico :angel: .
Aja, Valentinova manikura: Essence Love me Tender. V skladu z današnjim dnem. Naj bo, če že mora biti.
Nekoga je vendarle treba imeti rad, tudi tistih preostalih 365 dni.
Moja je tudi anti-valentinova. :devil: Čisto po naključju, a vseeno anti. :lol: Bolj mi je všeč sam Coral. Čeprav bi bil Ice Sparkles verjetno hud, čez kak temen krem lak.
Zanimiv lakec. Moja Valentinova manikura je bila klasična rdeča z nekaj šimra. Drugače pa Valentinovo kot vsak drugi dan, mi ne pomeni nič posebnega :blush: