Catrice – Mystic Red

Catrice – Mystic Red is a gorgeous deep red shade with lots of medium sized golden shimmer. It’s a shade from the 60 seconds line. In the bottle there are 6ml and in this line the brushes are a bit wider. I am not a huge fan of wide brushes and nothing has change with this one. Otherwise I didn’t have any application issues. The picture shows two coats.

This time there is no small detail square in the picture. I just couldn’t get a sharp enough photo to show the shimmer.

That’s all for today…

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

5 thoughts on “Catrice – Mystic Red”

  1. Ojoj, kako je lep :heart: . Ravnokar sem pregledala svojo zbirko teh 60 Seconds lakov in tega ni med njimi. Moram reči, da meni ravno ta čopič zelo odgovarja. Prav navdušena sem, z njim je lakiranje zelo enostavno.  Seveda imava malo različno obliko in velikost nohtov.

    Maestra, čimprej se pozdravi! Tale vnos je prav simpatičen in lepo je slišati, da si se spomnila na nas tudi sedaj, ko nisi ravno v najboljši formi


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