Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion, UDPPS and TF Shadow Insurance

Since I have very oily eyelids, I’m constantly in search of perfect eyeshadow base.

My last shopping spree brought 2 new primers in my collection – Urban Decay Eyeshadow Potion Sin and Too Faces Shadow Insurance. I already have Urban Decay Primer Potion.

Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion and UDPPS:

Urban Decay Primer Potion, Urban Decay Primer Potion Sin

I wondered which of the three works best in term of no creasing and no fading.

TFI and UDPP are both beige color and are almost invisible after application. UDPPS is different – it covers minor imperfections on eyelid and creates opaque base for eyeshadows.

Urban Decay Primer Potion, UDPP Sin, Too Faced Insurance

If I compare them about eyeshadow staying power – I must say I just don’t see that big of a difference between them. They prevent creasing for few hours – and that is it.

Best primer against eyeshadow fading turned out to be UDPPS. But it bothered me that UDPPS is actually pinkish-brown cream eyeshadow, so it can change color of applied eyeshadows. I applied Sweetscents eyeshadow Dream over each primer and with no base. On UDPP and TFI it turned out green where as it turned blueish on UDPPS.

Sweetscents Dream over Urban Decay Primer Potion, UDPP Sin, Too Faced Insurance

I noticed just one major difference between UDPP and TFI – it’s much easier to blend over TFI. Everything else is almost the same.

Amount of product is similar – you get little bit more of TFI (10.3 ml) than UDPP (10 ml). Price is also in the same rang – around 18$.

If I had to decide just for one – it would be Too Faced Insurance, because:

– better packaging (more hygienic, no cutting needed to reach last 1/3 of the product);

– I like ingredients better – no parabens and it has vitamin E in it;

– easier blending;

– creasing and fading is almost the same as with UDPP.

Too Faced Shadow Insurance:

Too Faced Shadow Insurance

None of the above mentioned primers or ArtDeco Eyeshadow base or Coastal Scents Eye-Poxy last more than few hours.

I get decent results with layering primers – but I usually don’t have time for that, so my hunt for perfect primer continues.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

8 thoughts on “Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion, UDPPS and TF Shadow Insurance”

  1. Too Faced Insurance se dobi tudi v zagrebški Sephori (TC Avenue Mall) in stane 108 kun. Info je povsem sveža :wink:

  2. Zavidam vam dobro obstojnost.
    Ko imam dober dan, mi senčke “samo” zbledijo do neprepoznavnosti. Kaj čmo.
    Definitivno pa ne bom obupala. Moj idealni primer me zagotovo čaka nekje za vogalom.  :cool:

  3. joj gejba, ti pa res nimaš sreče z obstojnostjo! Meni že poxy fiksira MU za cel dan (od jutra do večera), če bi uporabila pa UDPP ali TFI, i blo pa treba vse skupi verjetno s šmirgl papirjem dol drgnit :))

    no, mene UDPP grozno pritegne ravno zarad embalaže…čeprav sem slišala že ogromno kritik, je preprosto lepa (kičasta…js pa obožujem kič)

  4. Na Čarodejki imajo Coastal Scents Eye-Poxy, ki mi sploh ni všeč. Na začetku je bil še OK, potem so se začele delat grudice, na koncu je pa še pokvaril. Sem probala senčke mešat s kapljicami za oči, vendar se mi ponavadi ne da pacati s tem. :blush:
    Problem je, ker so moje veke trenutno super mastne. :dizzy:

  5. Uf…  mene pa tudi ta prva dva primerja zanimata..

    No verjetno bom z njima se malcek pocakala. Drugace sama imam primer iz carodejke (ne vem katere znamke je) in mi zdrzi super casa. Danes sem sla ven v kino, jokala precej in se vedno imam nedotakljeno sencko. Uau. Ceprav ga sprav sploh nisem marala.
    Je pa tudi cenovno ugoden.
    Sama imam tudi precej mastno veko, ce si ne dam nic gor. Mesam pa sencke z visiclear (prejsnji visini), ker so potem lazje za nanasat ter so bolj obstojne.

    Poskusi in porocaj, ce se ti da ;).

  6. Sumim, da si bom TFI tudi jaz omislila, enostavo ga moram stestirati :whistle: (ampak sem komaj načela nov UDPP; tretji v moji karieri, ker mi ga uspe sprazniti :smile: )

  7. UDPP/S ne bi kupila že zaradi embalaže same :cwy: , čeprav mi je na sliki s senčko ravno UDPPS najlepše izpadla. TFI se mi zdi bolj priročen in glede na pluse, ki si jih naštela, bi se vsekakor odločila zanj. Je potrebno poudariti, da se bom odločila zanj :whistle:
    Jaz najraje uporabljam Revlonovo senčko na gobico, ali puder v kamnu z gobico nanesem na veko. Imam še Catrice Stay on! ESB, Artdecojeva baza se mi je posušila, pa tudi zelo težko sem jo nanašala.
    Gejba, zelo uporaben in nazoren prispevek.

  8. Gejba, hvala za tale post, sem komaj čakala, da ga objaviš. Imam tako kot ti težavo pri iskanju idealnega primerja za očesni MU.
    Pozimi nimam problemov z mastnimi vekami, tako da mi je npr. Mantahhan ESB ali ArtDeco ESB čisto OK za podlago, medtem ko pa poleti imam mastne veke in mi MU težko izdrži nekaj ur.
    Verjetno si bom omislila TFI tudi jaz :wub:


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