China Glaze – Flying Dragon (neon)

I’ve had this one on my wish list for ages, but I just couldn’t decide to order it. I mean it’s a beautiful purple color. The only issues I had with this one, was the finish. It dries completely matte and it has rough finish. I know that neon polishes usually dry matte. And the rough finish supposed to be because of the combination of neon base and shimmer.

In the smal square you can see the blue and purple shimmer. The pictures show two coats with one coat of Poshe top coat, which smooths out the rough finish.

As with most purple shades, this one also was a problem child to photograph, because it turned out too cold and blueish. With some effort I managed to get more accurate picture.

The shade changes a lot depending on the light conditions.

Flying Dragon is from the Ink collection. I have jet to show you Blue Sparrow from the same collection. Blue Sparrow is also neon shade, wich dries matte and has rough finish. I’ll show it to you in near future.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

8 thoughts on “China Glaze – Flying Dragon (neon)”

  1. :stars: Ooh! That’s a pretty polish.  I just love purples and of course glitter and shimmers.  I have this one and it is gorgeous.  Thank God for Poshe since I don’t like that rough feeling from the glitter.

  2. Plain Jane, tega CND moram pa it pogledat :cool:
    Nati, žal ti ne znam odgovoriti, kaj je z neon osnovo, da tako odreagira v kombinaciji s šimrom. Vem le, da se neon odtenki navadno posušijo v mat finiš. :blush:

  3. Uaaaa…. kaksna lepa barva! Super je, prav krasno jo je videti na tvojih nohtkih! Vsec mi je simer v laku..  Ne znam se odlociti ali je to hladna ali topla barva..  tebi, ki ta lakec imas, kaksen ti je?


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