Gold and shimmery

By Mamy

No. I just could not wait till New Year to write about gold nail polishes. I know, they belong in glittery New Years time. I probably like them because their sparkle just calls for sunshine I long for at the moment.

I’ll be talking about: China Glaze, Nubar and Catrice.


First one China Glaze Platinum Gold is the color of old gold with fine multi colored shimmer. Very stylish. I had no problems with applying or removing the polish . There are two layers in photo.


At first sight I was dissapointed with Nubar G109 Brown/Gold Glitter. I just could not understand how come I orderd (over internet, of course) such a wild glittery polish. What is done is done and I applied it … and loved it. It even prettier than the first one – my favourite so fare. Two layers are a must and so is top coat which will even out rought surface. Removing it .. d i f f i c u l t.

Decide for your self if its worth the time it takes to remove it.


I took pity on poor Catrice Celebrity 03 5th Avenue. It was just waiting for someone to rescue it from “junk” basket. Don’t you think it would be pity if I lets it laying there?

Nothing special at first sight, but it is “fancy” polish and goes with this years no-color trend. It’s not too sparkly, shimmer is very fine so it’s not difficult to remove. There are two layers + top coat in the photo.

Catrice Celebrity_5th-Avenue

Wouldn’t it be a shame to wait nine months for these polishes?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

7 thoughts on “Gold and shimmery”

  1. :stars: I just love the Nubar polish with all that glitter.  It’s worth all the trouble to remove it.  I have this on my “wants” list.  I love all their glitter polishes.  China Glaze is another beauty.  I also want this one.  The third is very different and pretty.  You should’nt wait just for New Years to wear them!

  2. Heheh… tale zadnji me spominja na Goshev Sparkle, ni slabo..

    Najbolj vsecen mi je pa drugi, itak s simrastimi laki, no tistimi ki jih simer predstavlja 80%, je vedno tako..  tezko jih je odstranit, pa ce bi jim placal da bi sli dol ;).


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