s-he continues its (red) walk…

It’s so interesting! I’ve had s-he stylezone polishes in front of my nose all the time and I didn’t even bother to look at them, because the rumour said that they chip very quickly and I believed every word. What a mistake! The line contains truly great shades from sheer pinks to unusual yellow, green and blue shades. At first I was convinced that I would at least have application issues, but nothing like that. Almost every shade I own applied like butter. The brush is a regular one. Round and I like it. The local price for 11ml of contents is less than 2€. In general I don’t have any complaints about s-he polishes, except for the names, which are numbers… boring

420 is a wonderful red shade with red and purple shimmer. It reminds me of cherries.

On both pictures there are two coats. The picture below is taken with flash.

435 is a real chameleon. In the bottle it looks warm red shade with gold shimmer, but to my surprise it looks completely like raspberries on my nails under certain lightning. Definitely a wonderful shade! In the pictures below there two coats of color.

…detail from the bottle.

…raspberries like.

…warm red.

…a hint of orange.

As I mentioned before, I’m very satisfied with s-he stylezone polishes and I recommend them heartily.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

12 thoughts on “s-he continues its (red) walk…”

  1. Po dveh dneh so komajda vidne bele konice. Obstojnost pri mojem odtenku je definitivno boljša kot pri Jessici, ki je neprimerljivo dražja

  2. Cathy, lahko se samo citiram: “Z dobrim nadlakom pa je tudi obstojnost dobra. A o obstojnosti tako nerada pišem, ker je le-ta odvisna od preveč faktorjev.” Kaj več bo pa morda katera druga napisala :wink:

  3. Jaz sem šla stare lakce za nohte gledat, ki so mi že nekaj časa samevali v omari zadaj.  In na moje presenečnje :w00t:  imam kar nekaj odtenkov S-he lakov, tako da ni potrebe, da bi kupovala nove.  Vse te odtenke, ki jih omenjamo, namreč večino imam.  Sem prav vesela! :biggrin:

  4. Meni sta pa oba lepa. Pa ravno zadnjič sem gledala s-he stojalo pa mi ni noben padel v oči.
    Maestra je kriva, da bom šla spet nazaj po ta dva rdečkota :devil:

  5. 435 je že na mojem seznamu (dobesedno, ker teh številk si pa res ne morem zapomnit). Mislim da sem ravno tega včeraj občudovala. Hvalabogu ga nisem kupila, ga bom ta teden, s popustom ;)


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