For quite a while I debated whether to write something about S-he 384 quick dry nail polish, since not one picture (an I took a lot of them) came out as it should.
First I tried taking picture in daylight – they all turned blue. Lovely blue – but not even close to the real color.
This is my suspect for all of my troubles – blue shimmer suspended in purple base.
I even tried to take picture in poor yellow light – but it came out to warmed toned.
The color itself is pretty violet – but it clashes horribly with my warmed toned skin. My dad even asked me if I managed to miss 10 times while using a hammer.
I applied 2 layers and top coat – polish lasted for 4 days with minimal tip wear. I had no trouble with application.
Loved the almost metallic look, but won’t keep it because the color doesn’t suit me.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Če so pa lepe. :heart:
Tale lakec bi bil idealen, če bi vedno ostal take barve, ko je v slabše osvetljenem prostoru z rumeno žarnico. :smile:
Všeč. :wub: Ne vem, nekaj me vijolična trka zadnje čase. :angel:
Če bi videla samo prvo sliko, bi v drogeriji sigurno iskala moder lak :whistle: . Lep je da je kaj :wub:
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