Is there anything better than to come in drugstore and see stand full of beautiful new things?
That is what happened to me, while visiting drugstore in Croatia.
The MMS I send right away to Gejba.
I was breathless for a moment.
I’m talking about Catrice LE Aurora. I was surprised by the bright colors.
Three nail polishes I bought:
Brightest is 01 Sunlight – made for summer with fine gold shimmer I could not capture. I applied two layers.
Next is beautiful coral polish 02 Coral Island. You’ll find similar shade at Make Up Factory. Even thou it looks creme, it’s not. If you take closer look in sunshine, you’ll see fine gold shimmer. I used two layers.
Mmmm, i love this red 04 Canyon Sunset. Well not red, maybe coral red … or orange red. Hard color to describe, but it’s full of life and glow. Judge for yourself.
In photo I used two layers. With minimal touch ups it lasted for four days. I’m impressed.
Weather is pretty cloudy, so I can’t show you very fine gold shimmer.
Next come glosses that match polishes color wise. Brightest shade is almost colorless and was sold out. I love smell of Catrice glosses so I pick one up every once in a while.
I found interesting Lip Colour Pen in 04 Canyon Sunset shade. Staying power is very good – I only tested it on hand so far. I’ll keep you up to date how it fared on lips.
Lets take a look:
There are blush and three eyeshadows in LE Aurora – I only bought 03 Golden Earth eyeshadow.
I liked whole Aurora collection.
I suggest to all of lipstick lovers out there to choose matching color to polishes from Catrice regular line. I find them very pretty.
Maybe next time I’ll pick one up … if there is something left for me.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
this is germain company that ownes both catrice and essence so it is only on the europeian market… i can’t belive that we have something that is not aveilable in usa :angel: …on the other hand i can’ t find anywhere neutrogena products… :cwy: you can chake it here if you want some more informations. good luck! :biggrin:
I don’t think you can get it in the US.
In the Netherlands are both products essence and catrice.
Catrice znamko lahko dobiš na Hrvaškem ali v Avstriji (Nemčiji …). Pri nas je na žalost ne prodajajo. :sad:
Čao, kje se pri nas dobi te glosse? Že dolgo namreč iščem gloss v koralno rdeči barvi, pa vedno mimo usekam. Ali je preveč roza, oranžen ali pa rdeč. Enkrat sem imela Nivein gloss, ki je bil prave barve, pa so jih nehali proizvajati, oz. so ven prišli novi, bolj “moderni” odtenki. Sedaj pa iščem dobro nadomestilo, torej koralno rdeč glos in tistle Aurora mi kar v redu deluje. Pravzaprav sta oba odtenka v redu. Torej, ali se jih pri nas dobi? l.p. Niki
kulči :) hvala za ekpres odgovor, face ste :silly:
Drži. V DM nisem videla Catrice :wink:
Aja :blush: , v DM ga jaz nisem nikoli iskala, ker ga vedno najdem v Mullerju :smile:
Catrice lakca sem jaz zase in za Gogo kupila v Mullerju v Celovcu v Arkaden Centru. Imajo vse, takrat so imeli tudi takrat aktualno LE :wink:
vprašanjce :) a se Catrice dobi tut v Avstriji? V dm-jih?
I checked distributors, but I don’t think there is one for US … jet. :sad:
I live in the US. Can someone plz help me and tell me where can i buy Catrice makeup from? thank u.
Here is my picture of Canyon Sunset. :wub:
Mamy – thx for wonderful report.
Aaaaaaaaa, kako lepo! Čisto poletno! Laki so za umret lepi!
Uau.. tale glosa in svetel lakec.. <3
vsecno in to ful…
komaj cakam da kje (kjerkoli damnit) zagledam kaksno LE.. :(
Ja, ta Canyon Sunset je najživahnejši lakec, koralček pa tako kjutkan
Škoda, da Catrice ni pri nas. Tudi v redni prodaji je kar nekaj zelo lepih lakcev, ki jih ob priložnosti poslikam in objavim.
Na začetek sem dodala slikco s telefona, ki jo je Gejba prijazno poslala vsem na ogled. Kakšna šminka, kajne :w00t:
Mamy mi je prinesla Canyon Sunset lakec. :wub:
Sem ga že dodala v Galerijo:
uaaaaau Coral Island lak je naravnost božanski!
Eh, prav nič mi ni všeč. :dizzy:
Canyon Sunset glos in lakec sta mnjami. :wub:
OMG, rdeč lak in gossa :wub:
Res lepa kolekcija. Zakaj se pri nas ne da dobiti Catrice?! :angry: