Sweetscents eyeshadows: Peridot, Aborigine Aqua ter Teal

Today I have for you three greens from my Sweetscents treasure chest.

Peridot is green most of the time, but can turn to silver-green in special circumstances. I usually combine it with brown shades.

Aborigine Aqua is more bluish-green. Like Peridot it has fine shimmer with no prevailing color. If I had to decide I would say silver.

Last one is Teal – greenish-blue eyeshadow. I just love this color – you have to have it … even just to look at it.

All three shades are finely milled and stick to the base.

Swatches are composed frome two parts – top line is presented with no base, while bottom is aplyed over UDPP.

First picture is moste realistick – but the real magick of these eyeshadows could not be captured on camera.

Not even when photographed in pots, would these pigments show their true colors.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

4 thoughts on “Sweetscents eyeshadows: Peridot, Aborigine Aqua ter Teal”

  1. Če bi morala izbrati izmed teh, bi tudi jaz rekla Peridot. In to predvsem zato, ker tega še največ uporabljam. Ostala dva sta mi sicer ful všeč, a nista čisto kompatibilna z mojim podton kože. Če ju želim uporabiti, moram kar paziti, da ju dobro pokombiniram in skompenziram z ostalimi odtenki.


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