It’s spring time! I think red looks better on me in this time of year than darker and cooler shades.
So it’s not surprising that I was tempted by two L’oreal Resist & Shine polishes – no. 500 and 501. They were on sale in Kozmo drugstore (Croatia), since L’oreal is changing the packaging for their nail polishes, so I got them 50% off.
No. 500 is true creme red. I had trouble applying the polish since the brush is little bit to stiff. Coverage is very good – I could have used just one layer, but two are more even.
No. 501 is darker red then no. 500 and also creme.
I never stop by L’oreal stand, but these two colors and good price made me look twice this time … and I’m not sorry about it.
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:wink: They are both beautiful shades. I think I like the second one best. They both look pretty on you. I don’t own any L’oreal polishes. I’ll have to look for them.
oo lepa lepa! na te sončkaste pomladne dneve res pašejo taki živi nohtki
Lepa rdečkota. Teh rdečkotov itak ni nikoli preveč :cool:
Poceni. :smile:
A veš, da sem to opazila šele na slikah. Dejansko sem nanesla dva tanka sloja, ker se mi je zdelo popolnoma dovolj, ampak na sliki so itak vidne vse mimimalne podrobnosti, sploh če je slikano na soncu.
Našla sem račun za ta laka, cena preračunano v evre je 3,56€ seveda s 50 odstotnim popustom. Če se prav spomnim, ja bila v A cena novih preko 10€.
Lepa. :wub: Ampak nista čisto prekrivna, ane? Se mi zdi, da se konice še kar poznajo.