Random Essence polishes

Couple of months ago, Essence presented us brand new polishes. Today I’m going to show you few of them.

Essence - polishes

All polishes are applies in two coats, no top coat.

Essence Juicy Orange
Juicy Orange

Juicy Orange from Show Your Feet (SYF) collection it the sheerest of the lot. To achieve the full opacity you’ll need three layers. Color itself is nice – orange but not to wild.

Essence Dress To Party
Dress To Party

Dress To Party from Multi Dimensionwith XXXL Shine collection is violet shade with lots of magenta shimmer. This is the only shade I had trouble applying.

Essence - Dress To Party, Juicy Orange

Next are two red shades from SYF line. Both are creme and are easy to apply.

L: Hot Red; R: Divalicious Red
L: Hot Red; R: Divalicious Red

Hot red is almost neutral red while Divalicious Red is darker red and becomes little bit brownish in closed spaces, but the cherry color in the sunshine is simply gorgeous.

Essence Hot Red Divalicious Red (daylight)
Essence – Hot Red, Divalicious Red
Essence Hot Red Divalicious Red artifical light

Next pair are brown shades from Multi Dimension XXXL shine collection: Insider and Spotlight.

L:Spotlight; R:Insider
L:Spotlight; R:Insider

Spotlight is darker – more copperish brown and is little bit streaky, while Insider is lovely nude shade with easy application.

Essence – Spotlight, Insider

Last but not least is Click & Colour Nail Polish Pen. I chose Diva Red shade.

Essence Click & Colour Diva Red

It’s easy to use – you really just click and go. It could use three layers but otherwise I had no problems with this pen. After I was done I cleaned the bristles with acetone … just in case.

Essence Click Colour Diva Red

This is great when traveling and you don’t want to risk breaking nail polish bottles.

Prices are following: SYF 1,95 EUR, XXXL shine 1,75 EUR and Click&Colour pen 2,95 EUR.

Which one is your favorite?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

16 thoughts on “Random Essence polishes”

  1. Love the reds. I’ve never used Essence polish. Is it strictly a polish in your area? I notice that your language is Slovenia. I was wandering where exactly you live? I also commented on Brooke’s blog getchanailsdid.blogspot.com about your blog. She posted your website on Monday. I thought it was about time other people get to know you ladies.

    • Thank you, Lucy. I saw on on Brooke’s blog you nominated us to be added to her New blogs on the block list. :rose:

      Essence polishes are sold in Europe only. It’s really a shame, since they’re very good.

      Slovenia lies in between Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia.

  2. Hihi, praznih predalov nimam ravno veliko na razpolago :wink: , imam pa zato dovolj škatel od čevljev! :biggrin:

  3. Jaz nečakinji ukradem škatle od čevljev. Nimam pa ogromno lakov :blush:  Kakšni, ki sem se jih naveličala, hitro najdejo novega lastnika, tako da tudi nimam velikih težav s shranjevanjem :devil:

  4. Meni se ne zdi pametna ideja hraniti lakov na ekstremnih temperaturah. Torej odpadejo razni hladilniki in okenske police. :silly:
    Jaz jih imam v predalniku – moja kolekcija ni tako velika (Maestra je vedno pripravljena posvojiti tiste, ki mi niso všeč :angel: ), da ne bi bil 1 predal zadosti.
    Divalicious je :wub: .

  5. Divalicious Red, mmm… Meni je pa tale grozno lep! :happy: :heart:
    Vidim, da imate punce kar veliko lakov za nohte. Kam jih pa spravite? Ne hecam se, resno me zanima! Jaz imam škatlo, v kateri se “gužva” ogromno lakov in jih nimam več kam dati… Menda naj bi bilo tudi v redu, če bi bili v hladilniku. Samo pri moji količini bi rabla še en dodaten hladilnik… :unsure: Kako torej rešite težavo s prostorom? Prosim za nasvete… :whistle:

  6. Tud meni je polish pen ful dober ! Pa nimajo samo rdečih . Sama mam barvo vivid violet. Pa mam tudi juicy orange in SYF !  :happy:

  7. Lak v svinčniku :w00t: Moje sanje so se uresničile, upam da imajo kakšnega meni všečne barve (rdečih imam že dost) :whistle:

  8. A veš, da se nikakor nisem mogla odločit kakšen finiš ima Spotlight – ravno zaradi nanosa sumim na frost. :unsure:
    Bomo še videli kako hitro se bo posušil v embalaži. :devil: Gre pa za 4ml laka.

    Plain Jane – welcome to the club. :whistle:

    Nati – mogoče bi pa kak G2G pomagal malo izravnati nanos. Bom stestirala ob prvi priliki.

    Oba temno rdeča laka sta enostavno čudovita na dnevni svetlobi. :wub:

  9. Gejba, čudovita četica :w00t:
    Spotlight ima pa proge verjetno zato, ker gre za frost finiš, ali?
    Zale lak-svinčnik mi je pa zelo všeč in zelo praktična zadeva. Me pa zanima, kako hitro se lak v embalaži posuši. Aja, koliko izdelka je sploh v emablaži?

  10. Poleg vseh ta novih iz Novosti 1. del, sem pobrala še Juicy Orange in Dress to Party. Ni mi pomoči. :pouty:

  11. Aahhh cesnje, visnje, kako lepo!

    Sicer mi je vsec ta nude odtenek, prav pase pri vseh teh barvah..  Me pa oba (rjavi in nude) spominjata na dva odtenka od Gosh.. s tem da sta ta od essence veliko manj rumena (se mi zdi).. 
    V glavnem so mi zelo vsec tvoji novi lakci in copic ;)!

  12. LJ Muller v centru.
    Dress to Party je lep – samo poslikati se ne pusti. :angry: V bistvu je še najbolj realna barva, ko je slikan v steklenički.


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