S-he Stylezone – 433 Quick Dry Vs. Rescue Beauty Lounge – Moxie

I wanted to buy this polish for quite some time, but I didn’t because I thought it was sheer. Now I don’t even know how it came home with me and I’m glad it did. The polish isn’t as sheer as I thought it would be. After three coats it is completely opaque on my nail and it’s such a pretty color.

S-he Stylezone - 433The base is light pink and it is loaded with golden shimmer.

There are two coats shown in the picture.

The shade reminded me instantly of wonderful RBL‘s Moxie.

Moxie has the same gold shimmer, but the base is white instead of light pink, which can be seen from certain angles.

Both shades are going to be great on tanned skin.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

8 thoughts on “S-he Stylezone – 433 Quick Dry Vs. Rescue Beauty Lounge – Moxie”

  1. :nails: They are both lovely shades.  I’ve never heard of S-he brand.  I guess it’s just in your part of the world.  It has such lovely shimmers of color.

  2. Jst sm se pa tko zafrklna, ker sm kupila bel odtenek.. sm mislna da je tut na to foro k je tale (o s-he govorim).. no in sm kupla odtenek 306 in je tak kot ediks :) pa mi sploh ni všeč.. preveč je bel!
    ob naslednjem nakupu bom kr tegale kupla… k je lep.. mogoče nekoč najdem tak lep bel lak tut

  3. Uau….  joj ko kupujem lake, mi nikoli ni cisto jasno (pri takih odtenkih) ali so prosojni ali ne…
    No glavno, da spremljam tole stran in potem mi je vse takoj bolj jasno :D

    Super izgleda!

  4. ja hudooooooo…. pa sm zadnjič tele lakce u rokah držala sm jih mislna nabavit.. pa sm se premislila, ker se mi je zdel da je spet prosojno.. tko da.. že šibam u dm nazaj haha

  5. Maestra, pa sej to ni res :) kaj ti vse najdeš in kako se js zaljubim v vsako tvojo sliko :wub:  oh, moje finance :cwy:
    že v živo me je prepričal na gejbinem nohtu, na sliki pa sploh :angel:

    mi je pa všeč, da marsikje primerjaš lakce, ki se jih pri nas ne da dobit in tiste, ki se dobijo pri nas – tako je skoraj vsakemu vse dostopno! Super


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