In April, Essence introduced some great new products. Above all, there are some really great new nail polishes. I was very excited about Show Your Feet collection and I wasn’t disappointed. The collection is mainly for pedicure. The formula is antibacterial, long lasting and highly pigmented, so only one coat would be needed for full coverage and I fully agree with the high pigmentation. I didn’t have any application issues at all. The brush is flat and I didn’t have any problems with it.
Deep Blue Sea and Caribbean Sea are both pretty shades. There is only one thick coat pictured below.
There are also some new shades in the Colour & Go collection. One of them is creme green shade Check Me Out, pictured above. There are three coats in the picture.
Essence upgraded the Multi Dimensional line into the XXXL Shine and with the upgrade came some great new shades.
So Wanted is a shade that will make a lot of people happy, because it’s a dupe for Yummy Gummy from the Jelly Baby Trend Edition. Two coats pictured below.
Next shade from the Show Your Feet collection is Flashy Pink., which is a creme pink shade. Two coats pictured below.
Object Of Desire (pictured below) is an orange shade with some red to it. It has silver shimmer. It is highly pigmented and I had no application issues with it. If you are careful enough, you’ll only need one coat. Two coats pictured below.
Object Of Desire reminded me of a discontinued shade from Essence, called Why Not? But I have to admit they are far from being dupes. Object Of Desire is more red. Why Not? is more orange and has a frost finish, which means that there are visible brush strokes.
However, I found a dupe in the Show Your Feet line. I found out that Very Berry from SYF is a dupe for Very Berry shade from Jelly Baby TE. The only difference I see is the consistency. Very Berry from SYF is more pigmented, which is a good thing.
Next we have a wonderful purple shade from the Show Your Feet line. It’s name is Purple Magic. It’s purple with some blue tint to it.
Hotie from the XXXL Shine line looks identical to Purple Magic in the bottle. But when applied on the nail, there is a difference between the two of them. Purple Magic is more pigmented, that’s why after two coats it looks darker that Hotie with two coats. Hotie has some frost finish which Purple Magic does not have. Both applied well. The difference in color is very subtle. Maybe it would be easier for you to decide between the two of them if you consider that SYF line has flat brush and the formula is more pigmented.
Below is a comparison between OPI – Purple With A Purpose and Jessica – Birds Of Paradise. Both are beautiful rich purples. Both are lighter purple than Hotie or Purple Magic.
Nail Art Glitter Topper – Shiny Star is a top coat with different shaped glitter in clear base. This one is really pretty, but the glitter is hard to remove.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
:wOOt:These are some lovely polishes! Your nails look gorgeous in them all. I love the glitter topcoat. this really makes them even more stunning>
Thank you! I have love/hate relationship with glitter top coats. I love the effect, but I hate to remove them.
Have I mentioned how I love your nails? I’m sure I have, but I need to do it again. LOVE!
Essence is my favourite drugstore polish brand. I love the price (yeah, I’m cheap), I love how often they come out with new collections and I even find it interesting that so many of the collections are LE-it makes the hunt for those polishes kind of fun! They come up with nice colours and I often like at least one colour in a collection. SYF DBS is my favourite dark blue!
Thank you so much, Lola! I totally agree with everything you wrote about Essence! Great products and great prices!
Maestra, najlepša hvala za odgovor! Upam, da res ostanejo, ker so vsi odtekni prečudoviti! :silly:
Didi, mislim, da so v redni prodaji, ker so že dolgo na policah in imajo prav svoje določeno mesto na stojalu ;)
Zanima me, če mogoče veste, ali bodo laki iz SYF kolekcije ostali v redni prodaji ali gre za LE?
Hvala :wub:
Z velikimi napori sem našla E. Shiny Star :wub: , kako zanimive bleščice :heart:
Včeraj sm bla v beauty world mb in vsem priporočam da greste tja ! Majo čisto polne police ! Seveda tud sama nisem mogla it brez : So wanted, very berry , deep blue sea in glitter toper-a. Majo pa še ful dobre druge svari npr. sprej za hitro sušenje laka , nail art palčko, belilca za nohte, novih mehčalcev za kožico… :happy:
Nisem se mogla upret. Glitter Topper, Object of Desire, Hottie so šli z mano. :angel:
In res. Sem lezla čez eno prodajalko in pobasala 3 lakce. :blink:
Oooo kako mi je to znano, grrrr…. Pa pol da jo slucajno prasas, ce ve kdaj dobijo kaj novega.. neee kje pa…
To se pa meni tudi dogaja. Me kar mine, ko moram čeznjo lest, da si kaj ogledam. :angry:
ja, zaenkrat je Lecrerc edini, kjer lahko dejansko prideš zraven stojala in si vse ogledaš! V Mullerju mi bo enkrat živc poču in se bom zdrla na eno prodajalko, k vedno kadar sem tam, filajo police in se nikoli niti ne umakne, ko vidi da steguješ roko po nečem :alien:
o ho ho! tole bo spet neki njamsi! upam da bodo kmal tole u leclerku dobil.. bom šla kr tja
Omg, jaz sem se zaradi vaših blogov ponovno navdušila nad Essence laki. Sej odtenke majo že od nekdaj lepe, ampak nanos mi ni nikoli šel dobro od rok. Torej, Object of Desire in Show Your Feet- Purple Magic oz. XXXL Shine-Hotie gresta z mano. :ninja:
No pa sem jih nasla!
Sla sem v Supernovo v Kopru in sprva sem bila kar razocarana, ker jih nisem videla.. tisti del kjer je bila jelly baby kolekcija je sameval.. Potem sem pa zacela nadrobno gledat.. In sem zagledala neko kolekcijo za nohte katera vsebuje copice z lakom (pac svincnike z lakom) za konice, tisti aplikator za kamencke (uau ful poceni in dobra zadeva), pa sprej za hitro susenje laka ipd.. (nisem gledala vec kot toliko)… V bistvu ne poznam imena tega dela ima pa zelo zelo lepe embalaze..
Potem je tu Sun Club kolekcija.. kako sem jo cakala! :D
In na koncu ampak res na dnu (dobesedno!) je se ta Show Your Feet kolekcija! UAU! Sploh nisem mogla verjeti, ko sem jo zagledala… uaaaau!
Sem si kupila roziko flashy pink, tega slavnega purple magic, in ta zeleno modrega caribbean sea.. Joj pozabila sem na why not? Dzizus…
Moje so po novem tudi blescice.. Sem pa videla se ene, z nekimi trakci.. sprva sem jih celo zamesala.. Ampak tej kvadratki so veliko lepsi..
V glavnem sem ful zadovoljna, da je prisla ta kolekcija tudi k nam, yeeeeeee! Si morem it se kaj ogledat, ker sem imela bolj ko ne omejen budget :ermm: .
Sploh me zanima tisti temno moder, ki me tako zelo asocira na Elfov navy (mislim da se tako klice).
Pupe v akcijo! ;) :angel:
Oh moj bog!
Sem si zapisla vse ki bi jih rada imela (verjetno se kaj zraven)! Ponavadi ko izbiram lakce na licu mesta sploh ne vem kaj hocem..
Uf, jutri oz danes morem nuuujno pocekirat essence stojalo. Ze cel mesec hodim gledat in ni nic novega, niiiic! Sploh pa so tiste police z lakci cisto izropane, uf! Resno upam, da bom jutri ali v ponedeljek, bomo videli kdaj nasla polno stojalo, ker sem prav veselim te nove kolekcije.
Trije so mi padli v oci: Why not (kaksen lep oranzko! sploh ga nisem opazila na polickah.. no ja saj so izropane), Hotie ter purple magic, ne vem za katerega se bom odlocila ter ta zadnji blescec lakec.
Ooooo ja. Tej blogi so slabi za mojo denarnico, ampak to itak ze vse punce veste ;).
Evo, zdaj pa ne bom mogla zaspat… :D :wub:
Modra in vijolko bosta šla sigurno z mano, glede ostalih bom pa še premislila. :angel:
Maestra, si se pa res ful potrudila! :biggrin:
Vsi odtenki so čudoviti :wub:
aja še to Maestra, svaka ti čast, da ti je vijolične uspelo tako pofotkat! Purple magic imam js in je res identična barva kot na fotki
Deep Blue Sea je prekrasen :wub:
hvala hvala!
na fotki res izgleda čudovit tudi tale modrec
Gejba, hvala!
Nati, hvala in prav luštno si me sedaj nasmejala s svojim komentarjem. Upam, da je s čeljustjo vse vredu :silly: Dobro, da si me spomnila, ker sem čisto pozabila narediti to primerjavo. Zdaj gledam steklenički in lahko rečem, da je Goshev ocean veliko bolj zelen (in to toplo zelen) v primerjavi s Karibskim morjem, ki je bolj hladen in moder :wink:
Kako hudo dober blogec, Maestra!!
Ravnokar nameravam malo preizkusit te lakce na nohtih in zdaj se je stvar mal zavlekla – najprej moram namreč pobrat čeljust s tal, kamor je padla ob teh tvojih fotkah :silly:
prav vse barve so čudovite! Predvsem sem vesela, da se prečudovite odtenke Jelly baby zdaj dobi tut v redni prodaji – čeprav pod drugim imenom :w00t:
še celo ta zelenko mi je všeč! Na zadnji fotki sploh! Prav odštekano poleten je!
Imam pa eno vprašanje – če imata Caribbean sea in Gosh Ocean kaj skupnega? Se mi zdi da je Caribbean sea veliko bolj moder in Ocean turkizen…na prvi pogled sta se mi zdela podobna, zdaj pa nisem več prepričana. Vsekakor je tale Karibski morček čudovit :))
Purple Magic in Cribbean Sea. :wub:
Maestra – res si zelo potrudila. Hvala za vse primerjave in podrobnosti.