We had a debate on the ARS forum, where some of the participants mentioned that their mineral eyeshadows look duller on TFI than UDPP or CS Eye-Poxy. I decided to compare TFI and UDPP. Eye-Poxy comparison will follow.
I applied Sweetscents eyeshadows in one column over TFI and over UDPP in the other one. I asked everyone in my vicinity which column do they find brighter. All of them said, they look almost the same, maybe eyeshadows over TFI look little bit more alive. I won’t even talk about their comments like: you’re wearing Indian camouflage colors, you look like you just came from allergies testing … Couple of hour later I asked the same victims, what do they see. They said that colors over UDPP look little bit washed out, but just a little bit.
I never use just one base – it just isn’t enough on my eyelids. Right now I like combination of Revlon Eyeglide creme eyeshadows over TFI.
Lets take a look at Sweetscents shadows that participated in my experiment. :D
From top to bottom: Fever, Enchanted, Hazelnut and Espresso. I find Enchanted to be the most interesting one. It can change colors faster than the chameleon. I can be silver, silvery-purple, lavender …
I mostly use Fever to liven up monotone brown make-ups. This is beautiful goldish-beige eyeshadow with touch of brown.
Hazelnut and Esspreso are my eyeshadows to go to when I’m wearing something red … and I can not miss with brown colors.
What are you experiences with TFI?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
:think: I don’t have either primer. You definitely need one. I use Laura Geller. My shadows never move or crease anymore.
I too only use EP only for swatches. :whistle: I hate its grainy consistency.
TFI I like the most, it’s my favourite primer so far, I had UDPP – didn’t like it at all, and I still have CS EP, but it’s not smooth version so I use it only for swatches.
Ja, Enchanted je zanimiva barva. Jaz jo najraje kombiniram z Amethystom, neko noname vijolično senčko, ki nosi samo oznako N°2 ( :wassat: ) ali Unforgettable purple. Na meni Enchanted namreč prevzame vijolično barvo, še v kombinaciji z olivno zeleno ali zlato postane vijolina … :blush:
Ful sem si želela stestirati TFI, pa prizna, da me čedalje bolj mineva in da sumim, da se bom kar UDPP držala …
Bi morala sprobati – vendar sta UDPP in TFI pri meni zelo podobna. Bom naredila swatch še s Poxy-jem. Upam samo, da bo realen, ker je moj že res funky. Pri meni Eye-poxy pride v poštev samo čez drugo bazo, ker mi takoj zleze v gubo. Bom še ta teden stestirala.
js sicer nimam UDPPja, imam pa TFI in CS Poxy, tako da sem testirala na teh dveh…obstojnost je pri obeh super, TFI je celo boljši (kako že piše na šklatlici…da priklene barvo nase :wink: )
problem je v tem, da se ponavadi suh nanos senčke na primer prime tako močno, da izgleda kot da bi bil moker nanos – tako pigmentirano izgleda vse skupaj. Pri TFI-ju tega učinka ni, vsaj pri meni ne…oz. ni tako izrazit kot bi moral biti. Moji make-upi, ki so bili prej vedno ful barviti in živi, so s TFIjem nekako medli. Kar včasih ni tako slabo. Praktično ne znam več naredit umirjenega dnevnega looka, s TFIjem pa to postane vsak ki ga naredim hehe :silly:
TFI torej uporabim samostojno, če hočem umirjen look, sicer pa čez uporabim še kako drugo podlago, al pa kar Poxyja…
primerjavo med Poxyjem in TFIjem sem js naredila in se tut na fotki vidi očitna razlika…
zdej pa ne vem, al je moja koža drugačna od tvoje, Gejba, al bi pa celo tut UDPP na meni deloval tako kot TFI?