Coastal Scents – Italian Badger Round Crease Brush

My previous no.1 crease brush was Coastal Scents – Italian Badger Round Crease Brush … as you read in my post about Coastal Scents – Synthetic Deluxe Crease Brush which replaced it.

Coastal Scents - Italian Badger Round Crease Brush Brush is 15 cm long, with hair measuring approximately 1 cm. Wooden handle is colored reddish-brown as all the other brushes from Italian Badger series. I love the fact that name is embedded in the handle, so I always now what is the name of the brush.

Coastal Scents - Italian Badger Round Crease Brush Hair is not falling out, no dye was visible while washing it and no smell was present.

Coastal Scents - Italian Badger Round Crease Brush Unlike the Synthetic Deluxe Crease Brush, Badger is more pointy and picks up little bit more shadow than Synthetic Deluxe one. But I prefer the softness of Synthetic Deluxe Crease brush, longer hair and ability to do better outer corners.

I paid 2,49 USD (1,8 EUR) + shipping at Coastal Scents.

I’m currently using four crease brushes. You already met two, two are still waiting for the review: Coastal Scents – Sable Contour Brush and Kent – Definition/socket brush.

Here is group photo of my crease brushes:

Crease brushes

Which one would you like to see reviewed first? Kentu or Sable Contour brush?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

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10 thoughts on “Coastal Scents – Italian Badger Round Crease Brush”

  1. :unsure: I think I do have a few other Coastal Scents brushes.  I have so many others that I forget which is which.  I have to get a brush roll and then maybe I can see what I have.  I really like this blog. 

  2. To sem sicer raziskovala že nekaj časa nazaj, vendar se mi zdi, da je postopek podoben pridobivanju volne.  Ker je večina čopičev narejena na Kitajskem je nadzor problematičen, zato se lastniki uvoznih podjetij večkrat odločijo za nenapovedane obiske obratov. Ali so ti nadzori dejansko uspešni pa ne vem.

  3. Ta čopič je iz dlake jazbeca (badger = jazbec)? Kako pa dobijo dlako? Zanima me namreč s stališča varstva živali.

  4. Badgerja imam pa tudi jaz in je super – edino na trenutke se mi zdi, da je morda malo grob…mal me zašpika včasih.
    Syntetic deluxe crese pa na tej gasilski izgleda še tooolkiko bolj privlaen, ko vidim koliko daljši in ožji je od badgerja :wub:

    tudi jaz dam glas za sable čopič – čeprav če je to tisti, ki sem ga zadnjil vidla pri tebi, gejba, je kar precej grob

  5. Moj No. 1 za crease je še vedno Goshev čopič, ki se ga več ne dobi. Res pa je, da nimam niti tega “jazbeca” niti “sintetika”. Vendar slednjega bom skoraj zagotovo nabavila, da ga sprobam. Hmm… o katerem bi rada prej brala… Kenta imam, vendar bi bilo zanimivo prebirati tvoje izkušnje z njim… Torej naj bo moja želja Kent :wink:


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