Deborah blushes

I currently use two of Deborah blushes: Rosa Pesca (no. 46) and Cacao (no. 12).

Deborah - Rosa Pesca in Cacao

Rosa Pesca is my long time companion. I often reach for this muted pink color with peachy undertone. Silver shimmer is very fine and seen only in sun shine. This is one of those universal shades almost all of us with lighter skin tones can pull of.

In general, I find Deborah blushes have just the right texture and pigmentation. Staying power is good, even on my oily skin.

Deborah - Rosa Pesca in Cacao
indirect sun light

I wanted to use Cacao as bronzer but it has slightly reddish tone to it, so that was no go. I do use it occasionally as sculpting powder (if I’m in a hurry) but mostly it goes on as blush. Cacao has the same shimmer as Rosa Pesca, just less of it.

bright light
bright light

I’m eying couple so other shades … especially Paprika looks promising.

Price is somwhere around 9 EUR.

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12 thoughts on “Deborah blushes”

  1. :think: I guess this is mainly a European brand? I’ve never seen it before.  The blushes do look nice.  I like the colors.

  2. nezno oranzkast je tud deborah blush odt. terracotta.. jst ga mam,pa mi odtenek  ni lih najbolj vsec..

  3. Hmmm priznam, da se sploh ne ustavljam pri deborah blusherjih..  Enkrat sem kupila eno tako zanimivo trio blusher paletko (katero imam se vedno in je prav lustna), ampak druge me sploh niso zanimale..
    Je pa res, da tole verjetno sploh ne bom porabila, ker je not celih 8g produkta..

    Tale pesca je pa fenomenalna!  Prav zelela sem si tak oranzkast blusher, zelo zelo lepa! :w00t:


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