New Alessando LE just reached us. It’s called VAMP.
261 shade was love at first sight. I just had to buy it.
The minute a saw green, blue and purple colors blended in one polish I just knew it had to be something special.
Colors go from deep blue to petrol green and occasionally shy purple comes out to play.
Application was easy. Since it has mini brush even curves presented no problem.
I’m not really into duochromes since they usually contain at least one color I don’t like. 261 has no such problems.
I could not capture the purple shade, but you can see it in bottle, usually in corners.
I used two coats, no top coat.
Price for one mini (5 ml=0,17 fl.oz.) is 4 EUR (5.5 USD).
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
za tegale sem jaz obletala cel city park, da sem ga dobila :P
Tale je res lepotec. :love:
That is a gorgeous color. I don’t think I’ve seen anything like this one. Looks so pretty on you. I love duochromes. Two for the price of one!
Čudovit :stars: :drop:
res je noro lep :wub:
komaj čakam da ga sprobam :nails: :angel:
Kakšen se ti zdi v živo? :w00t:
Je že moj :nails:
aja tako malo je? Danes sem jih slucajno videla v Mullerji pri BTCju (sem bila slucajno v LJ) in je pisala cena zraven za 5ml -7€… ne hvala :)!
Bom pa pogledala v kopru ce je ze tu za nizjo ceno, eden mi je padel se posebaj v oci..
Mislim, da ne boš razočarana. :nails:
Lepotec :cool:
Kmalu bo moj, mi ga je Gejbika nabavila :rose:
Ja, tale je pa res frajerski! :cool:
A ni cute? Res ljubezen na prvi pogled. :wub:
Res zelo zelo lep odtenek. :wub: Čudoviti nohti!
še danes grem ponj če bom imela čas :wub: :drop: :stars: :wub: