Wet N Wild – nail polishes and speed glosses

Today I have some Wet N Wild things for you. I’ll start with the two lip glosses from the Speed Gloss line. On their web site it says…

Fuel your lips with a fusion of natural, energy-boosting ingredients: Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Guarana, Acai and Vitamin E. These highly-concentrated antioxidants and revitalizing botanicals rejuvenate and condition lips for a healthy dose of intense color and shine, with a kick!

The glosses contain peppermint, which can be tasted and smelled.

Manic Mauve is a very sheer nude shade with lots of shimmer that flashes from brown to green.

Uncontrollable Pink is less sheer than Manic Mauve. This one is pink with magenta and purple shimmer.

I don’t like the packaging, because you have to squeeze the gloss out. The glosses are quite sticky, which is also not a good thing. The shades are something special and that’s why I bought them in the first place. Overall I don’t like these glosses very much and wouldn’t buy them again.

And now let’s move on for some really good stuff.

Mystic Quartz is a really pretty shade from the Rock Solid line. It’s a shimmery shade of fuchsia with some lavender hint to it.

Wet N Wild – Rock Solid – Mystic Quartz Besides the pink-violet shimmer there is also some blue shimmer.

Wet N Wild – Rock Solid – Mystic Quartz There are two coats in the picture.

Wild Orchid is from the Wild Shine line. This one was a love at first sight. At first I was afraid it would be sheer, but as it turns out, it is a little bit sheer, but nothing that three coats couldn’t handle. The base is blue-purple, which looks more purple in the bottle and more blue on the nails. What makes this shade special is the holographic glitter.

Wet N Wild – Wild Shine – Wild Orchid

Dream Black Metallic from the Rock Solid line is a black duochrome shade, which flashes from black to purple to green.

Wet N Wild – Rock Solid – Dream Black Metallic

Wet N Wild – Rock Solid – Dream Black Metallic

Wet N Wild – Rock Solid – Dream Black Metallic

Wet N Wild – Rock Solid – Dream Black Metallic

There ware no application issues with this one. There are two coats in the picture.

Pretty In Pink Diamonds is a sheer nude shade with lots of gold irregular shaped shimmer. The shade is sheer but buildable, so you can get a good coverage with three coats.

Wet N Wild – Rock Solid – Pretty In Pink Diamonds Reckless Nude from the Wild Shine line is a nude shade, with a hint of apricot. There are two coats in the picture.

Wet N Wild – Wild Shine – Reckless Nude I added one coat of Pretty In Pink Diamonds over one nail, but the end result isn’t spectacular.

Wet N Wild – Pretty In Pink over Reckless Nude And finally… the beautiful Timeless Red.

Wet N Wild - Rock Solid - Timeless RedWet N Wild nail polishes are great. They have great colors and the application on these was perfect.

What do you think? Do you have any experience with Wet N Wild?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

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16 thoughts on “Wet N Wild – nail polishes and speed glosses”

  1. Just got Wild Orchid – I am SO IMPRESSED. Chanel should buy all this up, rebottle it and call it one of their snotty French names and make a fortune. Application perfect, color gorgeous, and if its like the last bottle of WetnWild, durability should be fantastic.

  2. I’ve never used this brand. The black looks fantastic. Do you know of any other dupe for it? They are nice colors especially brick red. I’ll have to look for these.

  3. po moje bom že kr jutr spet v merkator šibala pogledat za tele lakce k sm jih zadnjič čist spregledala k sm najprej šminke zagledala hehe

  4. wild orchid-a sm tud jst kupla v zda in je super..sam moj nikol ne izpade moder,ampak je konkretno vijolcast..koliko je pa cena teh lakcov v SLO?na goriskem jih seveda nimamo… :(

  5. V Nami imajo tudi W’n’W? Vem, da so imeli, ampak potem so stojalo odstranili… Pa jih imajo zdaj spet? :w00t:

  6. ojej sm spregledala, se opravičavam :)
    jst sm kupla to v hipermarketu merkator.. tam k mam job.. pri btc-jevi stavbi :nails:

  7. Cathy, kopirano iz zgornjega prispevka ;)

    “Naslednje odtenke sem kupila v Iliriji v Ljubljani.”

    WNW imajo tudi v Nami. V katerem hipermarketu pa si ti to kupila?

  8. kje pa prodajajo tele zadeve?
    jst sm si kupla v hipermarketu šminko.. od tele firme.. a še kje drugje prodajajo?

  9. Krasen post, Maestra!
    Bi pa tudi jaz napisala nekaj svojih opažanj. Tudi sama imam Speed gloss, odtenek Untamed Rose. Baza je temno roza, vsebuje pa holografski šimer, ki je viden tudi na ustnicah! Česa takega še nisem videla in sem navdušena! Se pa strinjam s tem, kar si napisala o teh glosih, a naj dodam še, da je moj neverjetno obstojen. Ker je lepljiv, mi je enkrat že zdržal cel dan! Velik plus!! :stars:
    Imam tudi Dream Black Metallic lakec in je za moje pojme perfekten… Super pigmentiran, lep duochrome… Love at first sight!! Pa še obstojen je po vrhu. :biggrin:
    Imam pa še eno njihovo trojno senčko, ki mi zdrži na vekah cel dan, in to brez podlage. Pa imam malo mastne veke!!
    Tako da zame drži – W’n’W, kapo dol! :w00t: Res, te trije izdelki so top med mojimi glosi, lakci in senčkami… :biggrin:


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