Alessandro Vamp flakes

I abducted Maestras Alessandro 257 and 259 polish … just for a quick ride.

They have one thing in common – flakes.

L:259; R:257
L:259; R:257

257 or greeny as I named it, is gorgeous. It has dark olive green base and lighter green flakes in different sizes and shapes.

Alessandro 257

Flakes loose their impact in the sunshine (olive base and copper shimmer prevail), but they really come to life in indirect lighting.

Alessandro 257

259 has violet-blue base and mainly copperish flakes (they can turn pinkish or orange in certain light). Every once in a while you’ll spot green flake.

Alessandro 259

Flakes are not as pronounced as with 257 shade. In general I don’t like combination of cool base and warm shimmer.

Alessandro 259

Greeny would become part of my collection if not difficult removing. I had to use extra strong nail remover and still din not manage to remove all of the flakes.

Application was great with both polishes. Each is shown with two layers, no top coat.

Like 261 shade, 257 and 259 are part of the Alessandro Vamp limited edition.

Price for one mini (5 ml=0,17 fl.oz.) is 4 EUR (5.5 USD).

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

12 thoughts on “Alessandro Vamp flakes”

  1. My Alessandro flakies were tough to remove too.  I did the same as Lola – sponge in a jar to remove most of it and then felt and pure acetone – still hard work though!

  2. Sem nabavila oba odtenka, ker sta mi krasna. Pri odtenku 257 pa se zelene krpice ne pojavljajo zgolj tu in tam, ampak če jih pogledamo pod pravim kotom svojih oči (če dvignemo svoje prste vzporedno svojim očem v isti liniji), se krpice spremenijo v zelene … In barva laka dobi popolnoma drugačen sijaj. :wink:

  3. These remind me of the Nfu-Oh polish flakies. They are really pretty. I also use the jar with the sponge and acetone remover. Works well.

  4. Thanks! What do you use to remove this type of polishes (and glitter) besides acetone? I find glitter is much easier to remove if I use one of those little jars with acetone soaked sponges. I just stick my finger in for a couple of seconds and then use acetone and felt to “finish he job”.

  5. I like the whole Vamp collection but these two really stand out because they are so unusual.
    And yeah – I bought them after seeing your pics :whistle:

  6. lahko iz lastnih nohtov potrdim, da je zelenko naravnost božanski!
    o modrem pa še tuhtam, ali naj ga kupim ali ne


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