Collistar – Caramello Perlo 49 is a new shade from their summer 2009 collection. It charmed me with its special shimmer.
It’s a copper to brown shade with lots of irregular shaped golden shimmer to it. The shimmer is like small flakes, which makes this shade sparkle like crazy in the sun.
No application issues. Two coats in the picture.
Great shade for summer!
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
That is a gorgeous polish!!! I’ve never heard of the brand. I like all the irregular shaped glitters. Looks really pretty on you.
Joj, meni tud ne bi pasal. Bakrene so no go zame.
Vedno bolj so mi všeč svetleče krpice v lakih. Se mi zdi, da lak prav zaživi zaradi njih.
Na tebi je čudovit! Pa tele bleščice so pa res luštne! :cool:
Ampak meni pa ne bi odgovarjal – bakrena barva bi samo še bolj poudarila mojo (pre)svetlo kožo…
Cena je okrog 11€ ali 12€. Točne cene se žal ne spomnim. Vsebine je 10ml.
čudovit! uff!
kakšna je cena Collistarjevih lakov?