Sweetscents – summer trio

Joan (owner of Sweetscentsa) is always very generous with samples. Every time we order, we get several of them. This time I’ll combine three samples from previous order I find suitable for spring/summer time.

Sweetscents – Yellow Shimmer, Tangerine Satin, Tibetan Ochre

I chose: Yellow Shimmer, Tangerine Satin and Tibetan Ochre.

In top line I applied pigments over Coastal Scents Eye Poxy primer and in bottom line I used, well, nothing.

Yellow Shimmer is the most shimmery eyeshadow in the lot. It has yellow base, sprinkled with diamond colored dust.

weak sunlight
weak sunlight

Tangerine Satin has the same shimmer at Yellow Shimmer, just less of it. I was very impressed with this shade and will be ordering it at first opportunity. It glides on and it’s my kind of orange – not to bold.


Tibetan Ochre is more pigmented than previous two eyeshadows but has very similar shimmer.This is had color to describe. Closes thing I have is copper color with splash of burgundy. Very interesting color.

Finally sun showed up in all its glory so I made one more picture to show you the shimmer.

direct sunlight
direct sunlight

Do you agree that these eyeshadows are perfect for summer?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

11 thoughts on “Sweetscents – summer trio”

  1. Ja, Tangerine je meni tudi :wub:
    Samo sumim, da bom morala počakati na jesenski čas, če se kdaj dokopljem do nje :silly:

  2. Bi ti napisala pod privat, ampak ne vem kako se naredi… D:!
    Btw vsem ki imajo blogger deluje komentiranje na moji strani.. D:!! Kriza. Drugace pa lahko komentiras tudi v cbox, itak ga cekiram vsak dan ;).

  3. Oj, ne vem kaj je z mojim blogom. Sploh mi ne kaze komentarjev..  ni mi jih treba avtorizirat, se kode ti ni potrebno vnesti. Bom poskusila se enx pregledat kaj bi lahko bilo, lahko pa spet komentiras? :o

  4. Jaaaa! Btw tale tvoj napis izgleda kot tatu na kozi! ;) – imena senck!

    Krasne so, mene spominjajo resno na tibet.. :P


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