Last week Summer Of Love TE greeted us on Essence stands.
Today, you’ll meet first part of our new hippie friends.
My favorite in this collection is Always Hippie nail polish. I had lots a problems with bubbling, but the color is gorgeous. I tried it over different base coats, but nothing helped. Weird thing is, I already had it on without bubbles, but could not recreate the bubble free manicure. I don’t now if its temperature, moisture or something else that disagrees with it.
Other polish I have to show to you, is Summer Of ‘69. Perfect bold copper-gold shade, to bring sunshine in to stormy summer days.
Last but not least is Essence Psychedelic gloss. My first impression is good, very good. It gives subtle shine to lips, is not very pigmented and keeps your lips nurtured. It does not contain shimmer.
Price for polish or gloss is around 1,70 EUR.
How do you like this limited (trend) edition so far?
Don’t forget you can submit your entries in Nails are my joy – giveaway just until 11:59 PM (GMT+2) today. We’re looking forward to your photos.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
The Always hippie nailpolish reminds of the one I’m wearing on my toenails right now: Essence’s Colour & GO #33: Just in Case. It’s a gorgeous colour!
Always Hippie rocks. :biggrin:
The nailpolishes are awesome. Just got a chance to order them from a friend, hope i get them both.
Jaz imam Alway hippie, uporabljam ga fuuuuul, vedno s podlakom Dikla ali MC 2000. Na obeh popolnoma brez mehurčkov.
2. del je malo počasnejši :blush: Fotke so sicer že narejene, a vedno pride nekaj drugega vmes in tako drugega dela še ni. :whistle:
Kdaj pride pa 2.del? :wink:
ta2 sta mi čedalje bolj všeč…
škoda da se ju ne da več dobiti :ermm:
Thx. Both of them look stuning. To bad it LE.
I love the copper. Always Hippie is pretty also. That copper really appeals to me. Looks very pretty on.
Meni sta pa oba čudovita! :nails:
Imam… lakec iz ene serije in se en lakec iz druge (oba sta zelena).. Ter tale krasen glosek! Res je cudovit!
js moram pa pohvalit stekleničke teh Summer of love lakcev – tako luštne so
Zanimivo, da se pri nekaterih mehurčki sploh niso pojavili.
Pri meni so včasih čisto drobni mehurčki, spet drugič pa je noht še najbolj podoben Lunini površini. :unsure: Preizkusila sem ga čez: Pretty Woman Vitamin Coctail, CG Ridge Filler, Zoya Anchor ter brez podlaka.
bom še jaz sprobala svojega danes zvečer, me prav zanima…
Summer of 69′ je pa preeečudovit!!
Moram napisati, da sem danes tudi jaz preizkusila tale Always Hippie in tudi pri meni so nastali mehurčki. Stestirala sem ga na podlakih Essie Fill The Gap, OPI Matte Nail Envy, Essence Ridge Filler in Essence SOS nail savers. Na vseh so nastali mehurčki. Največ mehurčkov je nastalo na OPIju, najmanj na Essence Ridge Filler-ju. Malo sem razočarana. Res pa je, da sem tudi na mojem Chill Out laku opazila mehurčke, vendar tam niso bili tako opazni. Tale kovinski finiš pa pokaže čisto vsako nepravilnost. In ravno zato načeloma lakov s kovinskim finišem ne maram, čeprav perfektno namazani zgledajo čudovito.
Prvi lakec mi je všeč, drugi pa niti ne.
Gloss imam – ustnice lepo nežno roza obarva. Imam pa občutek, da jih malce izsuši, ker se mi v izi luščijo :think: