I have something very calm for you today. Essence – Chill Out is a wonderful light pinky-apricot shade. I was in love the minute I put it on. I thought it would sheer, but luckily it isn’t. It was opaque in two coats on my short nails.
It’s so fresh and gentle. It’s like a balm to my soul!
It has some hidden tiny silver shimmer, which is practically invisible on the nail, so I’d call it a creme shade. The application was nice, although the consistency is a bit on the thick side. This one was my NOTD a few days back and is still my P(edicure)OTD. I can’t remember when it was the last time I had such a light shade on my tootsies… But it’s pretty for a change.
What do you think about this one? Like it or not?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Cudovit je! Tudi jaz sem ga danes kupila in je moj NOTD :) :wub:
tale mi je bil pa tako všeč,da sem ga šla še sama kupit in sem zelo zadovoljna.
Thank you. The shimmer is practically invisible on the nail.
I think this is a nice neutral color. Very pretty. Can you see the shimmer with your naked eye?
Živjo, čisto slučajno sem naletela na tale blogec in mi je tale lak naravnost čudovit. Smem vprašat kje si ga kupila, v naši DM prodajalni ga ni:(
Meni se zdi super! Zagotovo pride v mojo zbirko. Opažam, da bom počasi imela doma same Essence lake. :think:
Lakec je lep, ampak takih se jaz nadovolim po parih urah… Na tebi pa izgleda čudovito! :silly:
U, meni je tudi lakec všeč :cool: … Morda ga sprobam :wink: :biggrin:
Polžek je čudovit. Tebi lak paše, na meni si ga pa ne predstavljam.
Zelo lep!
Krasen je! Sem si ga tudi sama ogledovala ampak me ni preprical, ker se mi je zdelo da je prosojen… mogoce bi bilo dobro razmisliti o nakupu, hihi..
O dezju pa.. lepo je bilo par dni (soncek) sedaj se pa nevihta dela… In to ravno ko se je malce otoplilo :(
o kok hud polžek.. res zelo lepa slikca!
lakec pa tut… noro lep