EOTD + NOTD: Avon – Blue Flare

First my EOTD. The eyeshadows I used: EDM – Leaps & Bounds, Sweetscents – Yellow Shimmer, Orchid Pearl and Gosh – Sunstone.

Everyday Minerals: Leaps & Bounds; Sweetscents: Yellow Shimmer, Orchid Pearl; Gosh: Sunstone This time I put some more effort when applying the eyeliner.

Everyday Minerals: Leaps & Bounds; Sweetscents: Yellow Shimmer, Orchid Pearl; Gosh: Sunstone Everyday Minerals: Leaps & Bounds; Sweetscents: Yellow Shimmer, Orchid Pearl; Gosh: Sunstone What do you think?

Next is my NOTD, which I LOVE! It is Avon – Blue Flare.Avon - Nailwear Pro - Blue FlareI’d say it’s a greyed out blue with a tiny hint of green. Maybe it’s a stormy blue. It has a metallic to shimmery finish. The application was perfect. It’s highly pigmented, so one coat is almost enough. The second coat is just to smooth out the mistakes you made applying the first coat. There are two coats in the picture.

Avon - Nailwear Pro - Blue FlareI instantly fell in love with this shade. It is such an unusual blue and I LOVE it! Avon, great job!

Have you tried Avon nail polishes yet? What do you think about them?

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9 thoughts on “EOTD + NOTD: Avon – Blue Flare”

  1. Thank you! You should get at least this shade from Avon. :wink: It’s so pretty and it wore like iron on my nails. I was really surprised. Love it!

  2. Your eye makeup is lovely as usual. Love the Avon nail polish. I like that shade of blue. I haven’t worn Avon polish in years. I never wore it much. Just had a few bottles.

  3. Hvala, punce :rose:

    Gejba, greš na spisek ;)

    onweb, ja, zadela si direkt v bulo :biggrin:

    Pri meni je na nohtih od včeraj in ni še popolnoma nič obrabljen ali okrušen. Uporabila sem podlak Avon – nourishing treatment with cactus, nadlak pa INM Out The Door.

    Melanie, welcome back ;)

  4. Ha, ha…no, javljam se že jaz – avtor unikatnega opisa barve laka. Se mi zdi, da mi je kar uspelo :haha:

    Je pa res barva v katalogu bistveno drugačna.

    Še nekaj uporabniških izkušenj: lak je na nohtkih že od sobote (v enem nanosu), pa zadeva že zmeraj izgleda lepa. Morda na robu katerega izmed nohtkov rahla poškodba, ampak malenkost vidna.

    Se pa priporočam še naprej za kakšne opise barv, glede na to, da mi to resnično gre :wink:

  5. Hočem, hočem, hočem lak. :w00t:

    MU sem imela priložnost videti v živo in lahko samo rečem – totalno noro. Fantastično udarna kombinacija. :stars:


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