Eye Majic is really what it’s says it would be. It’s a instant eyeshadow. They say you only need 10 seconds for your make up with Eye Majic. I had to find out if it really works…
Your whole make up is set up on these two little sponge like applicators. The idea is fantastic! I was a bit sceptic, so I had to find out if it works…
Every make up is packed separately and sealed with a plastic foil.
The packaging is pretty and super thin, which is a plus. The down side is that it’s not protecting your eyeshadow completely. So, if you’re not careful enough, you can end up with some of your make up on the plastic foil.
In the packaging, there are two applicators – each for one eye. On each applicator, there are three different shades, which represent your three-colored make up.
The colors are pretty and shimmery.
How to apply?
Step 1: Close eyelid. Raise eyebrow to give a flat surface for better application. Using both hands hold the Eye Majic applicator firmly on the base of the eyelid for approx 4 seconds. |
Step 2: While applying comfortable pressure, slide the applicator across the eyelid in the appropriate direction to achieve a sharp look. Hint: To avoid an outline, applicator to blend or tone the outer perimeter of applied eye shadow area for a softer look. |
Step 3: To achieve a different look you can also apply a second applicator over the existing eye shadow for a more unique style. |
The instructions are simple and I have to say, that the application is also really simple. You just have to follow the instructions. Unfortunately I did not follow them carefully and made a mistake at my first attempt. I didn’t slide the applicator. Instead I just lifted it and that’s why the eyeshadow didn’t transfer completly onto my eyelid. That’s what stayed on the applicator…
I thought, that was normal but in my second attempt I found out it wasn’t. We’ll come to that later.
I’d like to emphasise that you don’t have to push hard onto you eyelid. The “comfortable pressure” is enough.
My first attempt ended like this…
I didn’t bled out the eyeshadow on purpose, so you can see how it turned out by itself. For the first time it turned out quite good but far from being perfect. Now I know, that the slide thing makes a huge difference.
See my second attempt…
I think there is a huge difference. And in this attempt there was almost no eyeshadow left on the applicator. I blended out this one a bit. I suggest, that you don’t blend too much, because you’ll take off much of the eyeshadow and your make up will fade more quickly.
You can blend the edges with the back side of the applicator or you can just use your fingers.
What is my conclusion?
It works! I mean, if you’re in a hurry or you’re maybe just to lazy to do a proper make up, then this is your solution. If you are a total beginner at make up and you don’t want to pay a whole bunch of money for a professional, then this might be your thing. It will also help you out if you’re planning a trip and you don’t want to take all your eyeshadows with you.
Of course it has some down sides. It sure isn’t cheap and the packaging could be better. And you don’t have too many possibilities regarding different shade combinations.
I love the idea! I like the result! And I’ll probably always have at least one handy in case of “emergency”.
What do you think?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Thank you! :rose: The colors are more vibrant mostly because of the light. The pictures of the second MU are taken with the flash, which isn’t so good for the pictures and the colors.
Jaz sem sprobala je fajn, ampak je res bolje, če daš spodaj puder v kamnu
I liked the first application. The colors were more brilliant. You have gorgeous green eyes.
Definitvino vredno nakupa (vsaj za probo). V tujini imajo to že enkaj časa in sem prav vesela, da je prišlo sedaj tudi k nam. :wub:
Zelo zanimiva zadeva :) :w00t:
pri prvem poskusu se vidi da je prvi :)
je pa zato drugi toliko bolj čudovit! Tud js nisem pričakovala tako dobrega rezultata! Vsekakor bo treba sprobat
Tudi meni se zdi ideja dobra. Sama vem, da je najbrž ne bom nikoli uporabila, je pa primerna za kake začetnice na področju ličenja, za tiste, ki bi se morda naličile za kake posebne priložnosti, pa si vizažista ne morejo privoščiti, itd.
Zanimivo. Ampak ce imam 5 min casa si komot naredim hiter make up, pa ceprav tri-barven. Se mi pa zdi malce predrago to… Za te dinracke si kupim kvalitetno mineralno sencilo oz dva.. :)
Je pa ideja dobra, bi poskusila ampak… se bojim da bi me prevec polenilo.. :))
Ojoj, meni se pa to zdi samo še ena nepotrebna pogruntavščina. Preveč odvečne embalaže za nekaj ur make-upa, pa čeprav na potovanju.. Ne hvala. Saj ni treba biti zmeram namazan kot beneška maska.
Gejba, tudi mene zanima, kako bi se obneslo čez mastne veke. Verjetno je obstojnost slabša. Upam, da bi baza kaj pomagala. Bo treba sprobat ;)
Zanimiva zadeva. Meni bi prav prišla predvsem na potovanjih. Me pa zanima kako bi se obnesla na mastnih vekah, čez bazo.
Hvala za nazoren prikaz, Maestra. :rose: