A few days ago I was too lazy to do a proper make up, so I just grabbed my Eye Majic and make up was done under 5 minutes. I chose this combination…
With a light touch of Gosh Velvet Touch Eye Liner and adding a mascara, this is what came out…
This time the make up survived five relatively hot hours. Than I removed it. Pretty amazing!
I did a proper review on Eye Majic HERE.
Did you try out Eye Majic yet? What do you think of it?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
They also have this from 2b! I tried it once and it was really good!
I stayed for long, only thing is that I had to adjust it to my eyes otherwise it was too much,
but very easy if you don’t have much time! :)
:biggrin: This eye makeup has turned out pretty good. I’ve never used them myself. Looks pretty on you.
bom bom poročala, Maestra! jutri sprobam :w00t:
Gejba, uporabila sem odtenek Ocean Mist.
Ribica, upam, da bodo kmalu imeli EM tudi v DMjih ;)
Nati, poročaj, kako se ti bo zdelo ;)
juhuuu, js mam pa tut Eye Majic! komaj čakam da sprobam :biggrin:
čudovito! res nežno
Pri nas ni Mercatorjeve drogerije. ;) Moramo počakati na Dm.
Lep nežen MU. Kateri Goshev svinčnik si uporabila?
A res? Kolikor jaz vem, zaenkrat naj bi ga imeli v vseh Mercatorjevih drogerijah. V septembru pa prihaja zadeva tudi v DMje, če so moje informacije korektne. :wink:
Pri nas ga še ne prodajajo, bi pa bilo zanimivo poizkusiti. :wink: