Today I proudly present my marble manicure…
For the base I used one coat of Essie‘s Greenport. For the marbling I used S-he – 466 and Rimmel – Green With Envy.
I admit, I needed almost an hour to complete the whole manicure. And it was somewhat messy and the cleaning up took me a lot of time. Do I like the end result? Luckily I do. Was it worth it? I don’t know. I guess yes. I know for sure, that I won’t be doing any marbling for quite some time now. Too much work and I hate the bubbles. Do you have a hint how to avoid bubbles? Otherwise, the polishes I used, worked perfectly.
For the end one bonus pic from our trip to Metajna (Island of Pag, Croatia).
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
When making the marble, use cold water and put tape on his fingers (on the sides of the nail and toes).
Thus, it will not get dirty either.
Ice Water, sorry.ICE WATER
Kak lepa zadnja bonus slikca ;) :w00t:
Zanima me, če mi lahko poveš točno lokacijo slike ki si jo slikala na Pagu, ker zgleda voda tamle čudovita & vsako leto išečm nove plaže na pagu & tole bi prav rada “odkrila” ;))
Hvala že vnaprej.
LP :)
:nails: How beautiful are your marbled nails? I love this look. I haven’t done it and may not but it’s gorgeous.
Thank you! I’m not going to marble my nails in the near future as it is to much work for me.
Zelo lepo ti je uspelo. Maš pa potrpljenje za pucanje.
Hvala obema! :rose:
Maestra super :w00t: barve so pa sploh prekrasne :wub:
Prekrasno Maestra!
Mislm da je blo kr vredno se mal namatrat.. trenirat živčke hehe.. res je zelo lepo :wub: