A few days ago, I spotted Jessica‘s new collection, called Baby It’s Cold Outside!, at a local store. And I had to have two out of four shades.
First one is called Frost At All Cost. I have to say, that at the store I couldn’t tell, what color this one was. I just knew it was dark and not black and something special and worth having. :D When I came home and inspected it under strong light, I realised it is a grey color but not your typical dark grey. It’s grey with some green and blue tint to it. And it has a lot of tiny shimmer, which is almost invisible. So, here it is…
The picture below was taken with flash to show you the hidden shimmer.
I had no application issues. There are two coats in the pictures.
I layered some glitter over it.
Frost At All Cost works well with Konad too.
The next one is a dark forest green called Divine Pine.
This one also has some hidden shimmer.
Its very dark and almost black indoors, but outside it’s definitely dark green. I love it! No application issues here. Two coats shown in the pictures.
This one also works well with Konad.
I love both shades and Divine Pine is my current NOTD.
What do you think? Is maybe Divine Pine close to the “everybody-wanted” NARS Zulu? I mean, I’ve never seen Zulu in person, so I really can’t tell. But if I’m not mistaken Zulu is jelly based and Divine Pine is not. So, here is your first difference. Please, share your thoughts with me.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
:nails: Frost At All Costs is really lovely. It is difficult to tell which color it is. I do love the shade. Divine Pine is my favorite shade. Green is my favorite color of pollish. Love the shimmer in both of them. Thanks for swatching both of these.
Jap, tudi meni gredo Jessica laki na živce zaradi tip wear-a, a tale se po enem dnevi znosno drži. Glede na to, da je tako temen, je bela konica malo opazna.
Druga dva sta bila pa… eden je črn s srebrnimi bleščicami, drug pa neopredeljive barve. :haha: Res ne vem, kakšne barve je. Zelo temen, a ne vem v kateri del barvnega kroga bi ga dala. Ni pa črn. :think: V Maxiju ni bila ravno najboljša svetloba…
hude konad fotke :w00t:
lepi laki, ampak meni se je Jessica prav zamerila..
kakšna sta bila pa druga dva odtenka v novi kolekciji Maestra?
Nimam pojma.. je pa zelo zanimiva barva.. :)
In sploh to, da tako lepo pride na konadu..