Couple of months ago Maestra gave me this gorgeous polish called NYX Girls Dark Cherry.
We both agreed name is dead-on – this truly is dark cherry. Color is very pretty – dark purple base with silver shimmer. When I looked at it in the sunshine I noticed that shimmer is actually multicolored.
Photo taken in shade. I don’t think this picture needs additional comment.
For all of you entering the fall – here is picture form Vir island in Croatia, taken in summer time. Lets hope it’ll warm us up a little bit.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Čudovit odtenek in prekrasni nohti !
I must say this is fast becoming one of my favorite colors. :wub:
:nails: That looks just like some nice black cherries. Pretty and yummy looking.
Amazing color! =O
Omg, tole pa je prekrasna barva…
Ta barva je pa res lepa :drop:
Ni preveč bleščičast, niti premalo, ravno pravšen je… :wub:
A ni cukrček? :wub:
Ohja, priznam, da sem že pozabila nanj. Jap, je pa perfekten zate! :wub: