Avon – Rave

About two weeks ago a reader of ours contacted me and wrote that she had problems with Avon‘s Rave nail polish, because there were always bubbles on here nails when she applied this polish. Rave was sitting in my drawer for quite some time, so I had to try it out.

Avon - Rave

It’s a lovely color that I can’t really describe. It has foil like finish and a lot of silver shimmer. The shimmer is a little bigger, but I wouldn’t call it glitter. The consistency was thin, but not too thin. Actually it was very easy to apply. This is two coats.

Avon - Rave

Look how it changes color when you look at it from a different angle.

Avon - Rave

It’s a very lovely everyday shade with a twist.

I didn’t have any bubbling issues with it. Absolutely none, but I still have the old bottle. Maybe our reader has the new version and it might be different. I really wouldn’t know.

I’ll write about possible bubbling causes shortly. So stay tuned.

Thanks for reading!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

13 thoughts on “Avon – Rave”

  1. We had a discussion on the Slovenian site of Parokeets and someone said that the new Rave shade isn’t as shimmer as the old one. But I can’t confirm this because I didn’t see the new one at all.


  2. :wub: That’s a pretty shade on you. It really looks like a foil finish. My neighbor sells Avon. I hope this shade is still available.

  3. Joj ne vem več :think:  ..Zmanjkalo ga je pa sm vrgla stekleničko stran. Drugače pa sem prej že uporabila drug nadlak pa so se mehurčki vseeno pojavili.

  4. Ja zgleda da je tako :unsure:
    Mehurčki se pojavijo vsakič ko uporabim lak… Bom kupla novega pa bom sprobala če je problem kje drugje :wink:

  5. Maestra, kako pa je z odstranjevanjem tega lakca?
    Izgleda mi namreč zelo trdovraten… :unsure:
    Sicer je pa zelo lep odtenek! :silly:

    • V bistvu ni težavno. Kot z večino folijastih lakov. Šimra ni težko odstraniti. Edino nekaj šimra se rado prime na obnohtno kožico pri nepazljivem odstranjevanju.

  6. Hm..moj lakec ne vsebuje toliko bleščic… :think:  V bistvu se jih skoraj ne opazi…
    mogoče je res spremenjena formula..

    • A res? Potem so pa očitno res spremenili formulo in sam odtenek, kar je groza, ker so pustili enako ime! Kako pa je zdaj z mehurčki? A se še vedno pojavljajo?

  7. full je lep… tole si bom nabavla zihr.. sm že študirala da bi, sam se mi je zdel preveč rdeč.. preveč močan.. ampak zgleda čist drugač tkole u živo na nohtkih kukr u katalogu


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