Yesterday was a really good day for me. Nothing special happened, I just felt good and full of energy. I projected my feelings to my nails. This playful manicure ended up on my nails.
To top it a bit, I added some polka dots.
I mean, I know it’s really way over the top, but I felt great wearing this as it was what I felt. Pure energy!
- OPI – Green-wich Village (3 coats) + acrylic paint in metallic anthracite (pictured below)
- OPI – Hey! Get In Lime (3 coats) + acrylic paint in turquoise (pictured below)
- OPI – Banana Bandanna (3 coats) + acrylic paint in metallic anthracite (pictured below)
- OPI – No Room For The Blues (2 coats) + acrylic paint in turquoise (pictured below)
- OPI – Dating A Royal (2 coats) + acrylic paint in turquoise (pictured below)
Acrylic paint I used…
What was your day like yesterday? What would your manicure be like if you projected your yesterday to your nails?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
I’ve never heard of this infection before. I did a little research now and this really doesn’t look pretty. A :rose: to you, Lucy! Of course there’s no need to apologise. If it makes you a bit better, I’m happy for you! I hope you’ll be all better soon. {big hug}
And I can just imagine how great your manicure looks! :cool:
:unsure: Well my polish does fit what I feel like. I’m not feeling good. I have cellulitis which is an infection under the skin. On my stomach of all places. The doctor said it can come from a scratch or many other reasons. You run a fever and the area gets bright red, swollen and hard. I was put on a strong antibiotic. I’ve been taking it for 3 days and I’m getting better. My stomach isn’t as red, hot, swollen or hard as it first was. But it still is red. Crazy, I just don’t know how it happened. Well I feel green around the gills. So my polish is Diamond Cosmetics Froggy. But I still am trying to be cheerful and happy so I put SH Xtreme Wear Cosmic Glow on top of it. I think that’s the right shade. I love your skittles nails. Very cute! Sorry about all the details but I needed to feel a bit sorry for myself. (((hugs)))
Tokrat sem pike delala z zelo tankim okroglim čopičem. ;) Sicer pa ima Essence zadevico, ki so jo poimenovali Nail Art Stylist. S to zadevico gre zelo lepo enakomerne pike delati. ;) Bom v prihodnje pofotkala ta pripomoček. :wink:
No Room For The Blues je res lepotec, čeprav moj favorit med zgornjimi je Hey! Get In Lime. :wub:
Ups, šele zdaj sem videla, da sem pozabila prilepiti eno fotko… in sicer fotko akrilnih barv… bom sedaj dodala. :blush:
meni so tudi te pikice zelo všeč, ampak jih nikakor ne znam narediti enakomerno :ermm:
Kjut, kjut :wink: Ne morem se nagledati plavčka No room for the blues…prečudovit je! :wub: Saj res, še to Maestra, vem da sem te pred časom že spraševala s čim delaš pike, ampak jaz tega pripomočka ne najdem nikjer… :blush:
čudovito Maestra! res razeseljujoče pisana manikura!
Moj včerajšnji dan je bil bolj žalosten in zakrbljen…zato sem požrla ful čokolade in si naredila čokoladno manikuro…da se spravim v dobro voljo. Sicer bi si tudi jaz pobarvala nohte s kako temno barvo…če bi želela, da nohti odražajo moje počutje…
Jaz bi za včeraj rekla, da res ni bil moj dan – nohti nude ali črni… v glavnem manikura, da ni za nikamor :blush:
full dobr :haha:
super manikura :nails:
smeško je res super :biggrin:
Tole je pa res igrivo. :biggrin: Smeško je faca.