Readers request: Essie – Showstopper + MAY

(Too) Long ago one of our faithful readers Matejcka requested swatches of Essie‘s Showstopper and some other colors (Matejcka, I didn’t forget. ) I just couldn’t make myself to wear this shade until today, when I said to myself: “Just do it and get it over with!” I mean, I love the color and everything, but I’m just not in the redish mood or era or something. :D So I painted my nails with Showstopper, which is a berry red with lots of not-so-tiny gold shimmer. It’s has almost foil finish, but not exactly. It’s definitely very shimmer.

Essie - ShowstopperI had no application issues. It’s a bit on the thin side, but nothing to worry about. This is two coats.

Essie - Showstopper

Than I had an idea: “What if I add some matte top coat to it?” So I grabbed my Matte About You the mighty matte top coat. (Yes, I’ve been playing The Tales Of Monkey Island too much. Guybrush Threepwood, the mighty pirate… :D ) So, I added one coat of MAY and I was stunned…

Essie - Showstopper + Matte About YouEssie - Showstopper + Matte About You

It looks amazing. Showstopper has obviously just the right amount of shimmer, which is just the right size. And the golden shimmer makes it glow a bit. I love it! It reminds me of Zoya Posh, but I don’t have that one, so I can’t compare them.

Matejcka, thank you for making me do this manicure.

When I look at the pictures, I have one comment for you left. Showstopper looks more red under certain lighting conditions and in more berry in others. So, take that under consideration.

Among other etailers, you can buy Essie nail polishes HERE. They ship internationally.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

9 thoughts on “Readers request: Essie – Showstopper + MAY”

  1. That’s a really pretty berry shade. Matte is absolutely gorgeous! Looks like more of a satin finish.:stars:. I really love it like that.

  2. Zelo lepo Maestra!
    jaz moram svojega Showstopperja razredčit, ker se je v mini flaški kar posušil :roll:
    moram pa rečt, da je na mojih nohtih ta odtenek čisto rozast…nobene rdeče. Moram ga pa spet kaj namalat, da osvežim spomin

  3. Maestra, hvala za tale prispevek! :w00t:
    Tale lakec je naravnost čudovit že sam po sebi, z matkotom je pa zmagovalen!!! :stars: Je že na moji WL…
    Ima pa po mojem mnenju tudi zelo primerno ime. Pravi “showstopper” je! :wub:

  4. OMG, navdušena sem. Totalno. :drop:
    Imam oba, zato se bom slej ko prej poigrala z obema. MAY naredi Showstopper-ja še veliko lepšega. Satenasti izgled je tisto, kar mi je tako všeč. :stars:

  5. Meni je ta odtenek v originalni verziji zelo všeč. V bistvu nimam pojma, zakaj si ga nisem kupila. Ravno to spreminjanje iz maline v rdečkota, naredi ta lak v Showstopper-ja. :wub:


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